JJ Vs. Rejam Against Aggro Fish

JJ Vs. Rejam Against Aggro Fish

Winning Poker Network 2NL

HJ (121BB) Villan
CO (253BB) Hero
BN (27.5BB) Aggro Fish
SB (198.5BB)
BB (101.BB)

Blinds Posted
HJ Raises to 2.5BB (VPIP 23, PFR 17, 3B 9.8, F3B 36(14 samples), Hands 573)

Since my opponent had a low fold to 3Bet as I would likely be ahead of most of his continuing range, IP in a HU pot, I think against opponents of this type a linear 3-bet range would probably work the best.

Hero (JJs) 3Bets to 7.5BB

BN Jams to 27.5BB (VPIP 52, PFR 43, 3B 50, F3B 23(4 samples), Hands 45)

This player was clearly trying to give money away and had been 3/4-betting pretty much every other hand at this point.

HJ Rejams to 121BB (4B 7.1 (14) )


Here I was thinking that due to BN having a super loose reraise range preflop, that HJ who I though was a reg would be rejamming a bit wider than usual. Still though it's possible that he has a really tight range.
Should hero call her or is that a punt?

17 March 2024 at 11:40 PM

5 Replies

It's a clear fold because it's a -EV spot.
What do you think his range would be?

Maybe JJ+ AQ+ if I'm being optimistic, but likely tighter, so yeah writing it out it's a clear fold. What about the 3B preflop is that also -EV?

I think it's a fold, even more because it's 120bb efc and opponets stats seem solid. Would consider calling if I gad a read.

by Lilpix2 k

Maybe JJ+ AQ+ if I'm being optimistic, but likely tighter, so yeah writing it out it's a clear fold. What about the 3B preflop is that also -EV?

Your initial 3-bet is totally standard.

You might be right that they are jamming wider than usual, bc of the aggro fish, but I agree with the others that it's probably a fold anyway.

★ Recommended Post
by Lilpix2 k

Maybe JJ+ AQ+ if I'm being optimistic, but likely tighter, so yeah writing it out it's a clear fold. What about the 3B preflop is that also -EV?

Yep, good 3b for sure
