Not sure what to do when I hit TPTK here.
I'm working on improving my preflop ranges and realized I feel completely lost in these spots post flop.
V is 23 / 15 / 9 over 420 hands.
Using the 50NL ranges BTN vs. SB it looks like A9s is 50/50 raise/call.
This is a pretty good flop for me, but I am not loving it when V goes bet, bet. I feel like I should decide here if I am calling a blank river and V jams.
On one hand V can value bet all over pairs and stack me here. On the other hand if I fold this V can triple barrel all broadway combos on these flops and force me out of pots.
Not really sure what my thought process should be here. Would it be different if I held 88 or TT?
Yatahay Network - $0.05 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
SB: 100 BB
BB: 110 BB
UTG: 198 BB
MP: 100 BB
CO: 53.8 BB
Hero (BTN): 100 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has A♠ 9♠
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 2.4 BB, SB raises to 10.4 BB, fold, Hero calls 8 BB
Flop: (21.8 BB, 2 players) 6♣ 5♠ 9♥
SB bets 9.8 BB, Hero calls 9.8 BB
Turn: (41.4 BB, 2 players) 4♣
SB bets 20.4 BB, Hero ??
8 Replies
not even remotely close to a fold
You can raise your hand on the flop, especially considering your low raises on the flop in 3BP. TPGK is a good candidate for this on this type of board.
Train yourself to think about the raising range and the bottom of the defense range on the flop. This will allow you to play flops competently and make fewer mistakes on the turn and river.
Pool barreling in 3BP:



As played you still have a strong hand on the turn and you won't always get a shove from your opponent on the river.
Call on the turn and evaluate on the river.
I hadn't thought about raising the flop. Wouldn't we just be getting calls from better hands and folds or jams from worse.
Even if it was true (I guess it depends on your opponent 3bet range, what they continue with facing a flop raise, etc.) you are not too unhappy when they fold for example KQ which has good equity against your hand.
The SB needs to defend any pair against our raise otherwise we will profit from his wide folds.
We won't always play the R-B-B line with our hand, but we also need value hands for the R-X lines.
I feel like I should decide here if I am calling a blank river and V jams.
On one hand V can value bet all over pairs and stack me here. On the other hand if I fold this V can triple barrel all broadway combos on these flops and force me out of pots.
Against a 23/15/9 I actually think it's already close on the turn but I would call and check-fold to a third barrel on any non-A/9 river.
I don't have any experience on this site but certainly on Stars the 5nl Zoom pool has plenty of players with these kinds of stats. They actually tend to be the more successful players in the pool. Their larger than average 3Bet makes $ for them because most of the nitty regs over-fold to 3Bets. Even if they are called a 1/3 Pot-sized bet often does the trick on the flop as so many of the players play fit-or-fold in 3Bet pots, even if they have position. I think if opponents stick around after the flop then these 3Bettors subsequent play tends to be more face-up. That's why I think this particular hand is already close. However you're getting 3/1 on the call and you're not committed to calling the river just because you call the turn.
You have 5 outs against overpairs except AA which you block. You already have the best hand a large % of the time, so I don't think there's anything to do but call.