I should value bet river having this flush with weak kicker?

I should value bet river having this flush with weak kicker?

CO limp 1bb, BTN ISO 3bb, Hero call, CO fold.

FLOP (Pot 7.5bb)
Hero check, BTN check.

TURN (Pot 7.5bb)
Hero bet 3/4, BTN call.

RIVER (Pot 18.50bb)
Hero check, BTN check.

What worse hands would call my bet river besides a flush with 2d, 4d, 5d and 6d? Anything else he folds anyway or beats my hand.

I should assume he would have Ax? When villain don't bet flop I believe he is capped at Ax on the river, otherwise he would bet for protection, right? What do you guys think?

No info about villain.

20 March 2024 at 10:52 PM

6 Replies

Fold pre.

AP I'm not going for value OTR

You can make small bet otr 20% or so

I would bet small for value and fold to a raise. They could have a better flush but I would expect some of those to lead. Bet what you think they would consider calling with an ace.

If you think there's a risk of being raised as a bluff by an ace then check, but I wouldn't expect that to happen often.

bet/fold is one of the biggest weapons on the river and a big leak of most of the micro/small stakes players

Probably bet super small. Fold pre. A8 is a trash hand, esp multiway against an iso raise.

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How often does A8os win at showdown, rarely. Personally, I would fold pre flop (kickers matter to me). It got you in to a bad spot here lol
