Is this hand a good bluff raise candidate on the turn after calling flop and river sizing?

Is this hand a good bluff raise candidate on the turn after calling flop and river sizing?

V Stats - 11 VPIP 11 PR 0 3B 100 CB 28 Hands

Small Blind [ME] : Card dealt to a spot [4s As]
UTG : Folds
Dealer : Folds
Small Blind [ME] : Raises to 3bb (Remaining Stack 141)
Big Blind : Calls (Has me covered)
FLOP [Td 3c 2h] [POT 6) (SPR 13)
Small Blind [ME] : Checks
Big Blind : Bets 2.88 (Remaining Eff Stack 138)
Small Blind [ME] : Calls
TURN [Td 3c 2h] [Ks] (POT 11.76)
Small Blind [ME] : Checks
Big Blind : Bets 8.4 (Remaining Eff Stack 129.6)
Small Blind [ME] : Raises 16.8 (RES 121.2)
Big Blind : Calls
RIVER [Td 3c 2h Ks] [Qh] (POT 45.36)
Small Blind [ME] : Bets 43.12

25 March 2024 at 09:21 PM

2 Replies

What are you putting V on where it makes sense to call your check raise but not your river bet?

★ Recommended Post

One pair Tx hands, JJ and 99-44
