Should I call this River Bet

Should I call this River Bet

Stakes: $0.05-$0.10,
Seat 1: Small Blind [ME] ($9.70 in chips)
Seat 4: Big Blind ($29.50 in chips)
Seat 6: Dealer ($31.27 in chips)
Small Blind [ME] : Card dealt to a spot [4c 4d]
Dealer : Folds
Small Blind [ME] : Raises to 3BB
Big Blind : Calls
FLOP [2d 6c Ts] (POT 6BB) (SPR 16)
Small Blind [ME] : Bets 1.9BB (Remaining Eff Stack 94BB)
Big Blind : Calls
TURN [2d 6c Ts] [5d] (POT 9.8bb)
Small Blind [ME] : Checks
Big Blind : Checks
RIVER [2d 6c Ts 5d] [8d] (POT 9.8BB)
Small Blind [ME] : Checks
Big Blind : Bets $1.94
Small Blind [ME] : ?
No stats on Villain

28 March 2024 at 01:20 AM

3 Replies

If I'm reading that hand history right villain made a 2.5x Pot Size Bet on the river and you have have a pair that's lower than 4 cards on the board.
I'd fold.
Sure he could be picking up on the weakness implied by your line but you've only committed 5bb to this pot and big hero calls like this are not how you make money at these limits.

Fold vs this big bet on the river.

★ Recommended Post

I would say that I understand your worry here given he could have overcards on the flop. If you are really concerned about that bet like 1/5 pot on the turn and check the river and that discourages bets by quite a bit. As played here though when you see an overbet i think you are going to run into two pair trying to get value from your QT, JT, T9 type hands.
