10NL QQ 4Bet, is this a nitty fold?

10NL QQ 4Bet, is this a nitty fold?

Hello everyone, I frequently feel a little lost on how to approach 4bet pots with low SPRs. I ended up folding the river because I was having trouble thinking of hands that I beat. I would love to hear your thoughts on the line I took. Thanks for the input!

Ignition 10 NL, 8 Players, My first round on this table so no reads on villains. Hero is on the button.

SB posts .05
BB posts .10
UTG+1 (10.00) Raises to .25
HJ (14.63) 3 bets to .90
CO (4.14) cold calls .90
BTN (10.04) Dealt QdQh, 4 bets to 2.75
Folds to the HJ who calls.

Flop Pot=6.80 Kd5d5c
HJ Checks
BTN Bets 1.5
HJ Calls

Turn Pot=9.80 6d
Check, Check

River Pot=9.80 Jh
HJ Bets 4.60
Hero Folds

In the moment I felt like the J was a bad card for me given that JJ were the main hands I was beating before the river. Was this a nitty fold?

29 March 2024 at 04:44 AM

4 Replies

Seems fine to me, if HJ is bluffing congrats to them and you don't beat value.

Agree with @boulgakov. Fold is fine.

In a 4-bet pot, looks fine. Nh.

★ Recommended Post

Thanks for the responses. It's good to get some confirmation.

In retrospect, I was really fixated on vil's value hands, but not thinking about how HJ should not be bluffing much here. I show up on the river with all sorts of hands that are happy to stack off at SPR .5.

Absent a strong read on vil this does seem to be a comfortable fold.
