[MICRO] 25 NL Pocket 10 pre flop facing lots of action

[MICRO] 25 NL Pocket 10 pre flop facing lots of action

My gut is telling me a raise is in order. Is this right? If so, how much? Also, do we play this hand similarly with say 88-JJ? I think with QQ+ I like a shove, because hands like pocket 10s and JJ (which make up a good chunk of both SB and BB range) might call.

Ignition - $0.25 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: 100 BB
BB: 294.92 BB
CO: 109.48 BB
Hero (BTN): 134.72 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has T T

CO calls 1 BB, Hero raises to 3 BB, SB raises to 12 BB, BB calls 11 BB, fold, Hero ???

30 March 2024 at 12:04 PM

5 Replies

I’m not raising.

I would raise to 4BB in the first instance and call the reraise with TT. As played, I wouldn't jam with any hand, a 4-bet would be ~27BB.

BB is dead money or nit fish. I would base my decision on how aggresive SB is, how aware he is that your rising into fish.

Very dependent on the players, I think call / 4bet / all-in are all possible. Readless I would go for the 4bet: it's very possible both opponents fold, which is an amazing result with TT. Then I think you have the odds to call an all-in, although you don't like it.

I don't know about calling: yes we have position but there are not a lot of flop we really want to see except those with a T and for this price set mining is meh.

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SB should have a tighter 3! range due to the limper, which makes 4betting less appealing. Even if the SB isnt adjusting, the BB cold calling should set off alarm bells. If BB is indeed a fish, we'd like to keep them in the pot anyways.

Imo this is a spot where we would widen our 4b bluff range before widening our 4b value range.

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