200nl AA vs XR-X-XR
Had 350 hands on the guy but not many notes so they must have been playing solid. They tank checked both turn and river

Flop I just range 1/3 as 3bp IP PFR. I don't 3-bet flop IP unless it's a jam so easy call
Turn I would usually bet, they'll fold a lot and the XC range I'd guess is a lot of draws that won't bet river often unless they hit
River The line is VERY weak which would usually incentivize me to be very aggressive with thin value and bluffs. I really doubt Qx is calling when AK can't bluff, but it's 7-max 135bb deep so they should probably flat some AK and I could definitely see it taking this line and calling river.
Solver mixes turn and only (rarely) bets river with a heart, mixing vs jam
15 Replies
He's repping a T or 66 and Everything else bricked out. This line is likenthe limp reraise ... super unbalanced and face up. Usually these polarized wtf river raises are the fish pecans.
I would just bet turn always.
River-Not sure about bet. It's hard for you to find bluffs, so he won't bluff catch too much. Vs river he can definitely over bluff with blocker type of hands, don't mind calling this off.
I think your decision point is on river really and whether or not you're incentivized to bet.
He's repping a T or 66 and Everything else bricked out. This line is likenthe limp reraise ... super unbalanced and face up. Usually these polarized wtf river raises are the fish pecans.
I was thinking QQ/TT possibly 66, maybe super thin AJs. No clue what you mean by the fish pecans lol
I think your decision point is on river really and whether or not you're incentivized to bet.

this is 3bp PFC XR-X-X any position
I think KQ, some AK, and very rare AQ hero is probably enough but I could see their range still being too polarized from the flop to bet into
Guess I should bluff anything that doesn't beat AQ, possibly AQ to get them off a chop?
this is 3bp PFC XR-X-X any position
I think KQ, some AK, and very rare AQ hero is probably enough but I could see their range still being too polarized from the flop to bet into
Guess I should bluff anything that doesn't beat AQ, possibly AQ to get them off a chop?
I don't think so. I'd range them as mostly nuts/air so "bluffing" AQ seems not good. I'd be giving him a range of boats and missed draws... occasional KJ. So QTs/TT/66, maybe a smattering of AJs/KJs/AQ... but I actually think you should probably just check behind otr.
This turn is really good for us. I think we should mostly bet because we have the best flush unblockers and those are the hands they will tend IRL to over XJ. Bet small to get action i guess.
AP a bet/fold is a bet/fold. Would rather call a block/raise than a mergey b50/raise
This smells of QT to me....
It's understandable why you checked the turn after being XR'd on the flop. It's a good card for you though, so a bet is ok. As played, think the river is a X. I get what you're saying about the line looking weak, but there's not a ton of value that can call. I'd probably go more 1/3rd sizing if I was looking for AQ (limited combos obv), JJ to call. There's really not much else that can call and your bet is going to induce more bluffs than value calls I think. Which is also OK if you're ready to call. As played, I guess w/ the tank action I'd fold river. I kinda want to call though. 😀
I think AA is too thin personally.
I would bet turn and I don't use 1/3 on this board type though probably doesn't matter much.
As played river seems like a fold though I don't think I'm betting river unless they're a fish.
After he raises flop it's gonna be hard to get value from anything on the river.
If you wanna bet you gotta bet the turn (he ether has a monster or a draw trying to get a free river) - I'd just fold the river as played.
In game I'd check river and look like an idiot if he had QK but I think we just run into so many monsters or missed draws that it seems silly to bet river.
His only bluffs are like 78hh kinda hands which seems like a pretty optimistic to say the least.
I don't think bet or Xback river is an obvious decision.
OK it seems to complete most of our "visible" and natural bluffs but in return it encourages us not to bet hands as strong as AA or QK and there are still 6xs, 89s, 78hh, Axhh hanging around in our range. Also, Vilain seems to have a majority of AQ, AK, QKs, KJs bluffcatchers in what constitutes his range.
I tend to fold on the raise, I think our perceived bet range is (too) strong.
I mean he could consider making you fold AA,QK with AQ but we're not even sure that AA,QK exists in your bet, even if it is also true that it is surely in the 50%pot bet that there are the most if there were to be... complex.