NL25 NutFD+overcards 3b OOP

NL25 NutFD+overcards 3b OOP

Holdem No Limit (6-max) - 6 Players
Hand converted by Live Squeezer

UTG: 25 (100 bb)
HJ: 25 (100 bb)
CO: 25 (100 bb)
BU: 25 (100 bb)
SB (hero): 25 (100 bb)

BB: 25 (100 bb)

Blinds: 0.1/0.25

PreFlop: (0.35) Hero has A Q
UTG folds, HJ raises to 0.63, CO folds, BU calls, Hero raises to 2.50, BB folds, HJ calls, BU calls

Flop: (7.75) T 5 2 (3 Players)

Hero ?

How stupid is an overbet AI in a spot like this? There is already 30bb in the pot - juicy.

Scenario 1: against unknown regs
Scenario 2: against reg + recreational(not maniac)
I don't see much difference between those scenarios tbh.

Opponents range, apart from sets include:
TX(T9,JT,AT mostly), two overcards, JJ, 66-99, trash and AK and QQ sometimes. AA or KK once in a blue moon.

Any turn which isn't [d], A or Q is meh. We lose tons of equity there. A and Q are probably not 3+3 outs as opponents likely hold some of those. That's why I dislike a standard bet.
I want to push out middle pairs, two overcards and Tx on flop. They could continue and then hero call a 2. barrel turn AI, hit a set, two pairs, trips.

We especially hate J, K and T turns, even if J + K gives us straight draw.

Fold equity is huge with overbet AI. C/R AI could work too, but if they checkback that's also meh.

Overbet AI is obviously not a balanced move, but this is nl25 and I don't mind being unbalanced in this particular spot.

What about [Kd xd x] boards?
Maybe there c/r line is better as they are more likely to take a stab?

Thanks for your inputs

04 April 2024 at 07:29 AM

8 Replies

I don‘t think villains will bet a lot if you check.
All hands they bet will also call your raise and will probably also call a jam from you on the flop.
So I can’t find anything wrong with just jamming this flop against 2 opponents.

Interesting take. I think shoving flop is probably not the best idea. Personally, with the NFD+2overs, I'm looking to play a big pot.

I would raise larger preflop to around 3,5$(14bb) and OTF CB atleast 1/2, as long as they dont have set or AA you have good equity

I go 15bb for squeeze. But yeah bigger then 10 I think for sure.

Vs passive fish I go 40%.

Vs aggro regs and fish I go for crai or bet 1/4.

Readless I probably just go 40%.

Bet small and jam turn is better idea. Yoh get some money form hands that call flop and fold turn you also don't fold out lower FD.

I think small or big bet is fine, if we big bet and get called, a lot of hands IP are just going to want to check back on brick turns except for hands like JJ, TT and Tx for value, and if they are sizing turn appropriately for value with these hands, we will still have equity to call with our overs and I think we could even check jam turn some of the time but looking at it now you'd rather do this with weaker Ad combos (HU vs CO) however you'd also just rather barrel turn lol

I would check. If they bet we can call or raise and we are not too sad, if they check (doubtful, many guys can't help themselves and will stab with trash) we see a free card and we are not too sad.

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Thanks a lot guys, all valuable posts!

I will definitely go for bigger 3b sizing from now on.

I jammed and both folded.
