Hero fold?!

Hero fold?!

Hands was played vs reg that has note: Loose Preflop, Value heavy Postflop

05 April 2024 at 07:27 PM

16 Replies

no chance I'd fold

I wouldn't fold.

What would his bluffs be? Solver says T9s QTs, i don't see him getting to the river with those.

He could also have AxJs, be playing AK poorly out of desperation.

I think Qs is just too high up vs this sizing because you actually beat some value and he has random stuff that he shouldn't play this way that just clicks buttons because he had a good hand pf and now doesn't know what to do on the river once a bad river card comes. Even like AT that doesn't want to face a bet.

Thanks guys. Might be some leak in my understanding how monotone boards plays. I'm over-polarizing my opponents.

by Brokenstars k

no chance I'd fold

Even with the read?

I think w/o the read I'm with you... with it, might lean me towards a fold. There's just not many bluff here except for pure bluffs, or weak Ax turning his hand into a bluff. I can't see Tx getting there often enough, and QTs is out. How many mid pairs w/ a spade are turning their hand into a value block at these stakes?

by DeeKayBee k

What would his bluffs be? Solver says T9s QTs, i don't see him getting to the river with those.

I don't think looking at solver is particularly useful here as he should be checking a lot on all streets.

There aren't many bluffs, but there aren't many value combos either.

Pre size makes me think they're better at poker than 10bb, flop is probably a range bet. River I don't think it's very hard to find bluffs, and even if they never shove worse for value you still have a way better call than say JJ with a spade

by Mr Spyutastic k

He could [...] be playing AK poorly out of desperation.

Psychological poker :p

He could also be a NL 2K crusher chilling out @ NL 25, and he would hold 54heart and he would try to make us microdonk fold Qspade just for fun.

Idk seems ok to fold. You don't really beat value, most regs don't barrel turn with trash draws on that turn card.

Thanks for all the opinion guys!!

I think when I see the size up on the river I'd fold but that's sort of a generalization. I would need more of a read on the opponent to want to fold the second nut flush.

by garyuuougi k

I think when I see the size up on the river I'd fold but that's sort of a generalization. I would need more of a read on the opponent to want to fold the second nut flush.

Thanks for your opinion. I do have even stronger read on this guy now... "Loose pre, value heavy postflop and need to see him bluff postflop to call with bluff catcher". I'm still waiting for him to bluff postflop.

I would've called. He's only repping coolers. And if they're too loose preflop they have more panic river bet flushes than a traditional nit.

Seems close though.

★ Recommended Post

Mainly 4betting pre; Never folding river just the man his money
