BvB river spot.

BvB river spot.

Opponent is a Reg, with no notes. Imo Pre,Flop and Turn is standard(might raises OTF ot OTT but I like keeping opponents range as wide as possible).

What do you guys think about, how overbluffed/underbluffed is this board type OTR? And how good is my hand to call here?

06 April 2024 at 08:40 AM

10 Replies

as u said, u kept his range wide by not raising flop right. gotta call river

The opponent has the wide opportunity to bluff but we don't beat any value and the line doesn't look overbluffed.

I tend to fold against unknown opponents on these limits.

Readless, you are going to want to RNG a call or fold based on pot odds and minimum defence requirements.

I imagine it's a pure call.

Important MDA nuance here.

2t vs BDFD missed FD triple barrels aren't the same in these positions.

The latter is always weaker in the B30-B-B line.

Here's some MDA for this spot.





Call river

Thank you guys for feedback, much appreciated!

Calling or folding are both probably ok. I don't see the 3/4 turn overbet river often, and I think a lot of people would tend to bluff 3/4 on the river. You also block a ton of the missed FD.

by AskZandar k

I don't see the 3/4 turn overbet river often, and I think a lot of people would tend to bluff 3/4 on the river.

Overbet was all-in here. But in deeper stack situation I would also be more inclined to fold vs overbet.

I think it's a call. Reg battles OOP are never fun but the turn is good for us and we do need glorious GTO protection vs half decent types on the river.

Against boring passive regs this call could veer into bad/leak territory, when they just never triple, so we probably want to make a note at showdown either way. Default call this time then adjust.

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