two preflop spots, facing squeeze in one and deciding whether or not to squeeze in another?
In the hand with 88 i was enticed to set mine because of the possibility of going multiway with fish, but this is probably too loose. Maybe way too loose idk. In the second hand with KQs i decided too tighten up with KQs facing a 5bb open. I used to not tighten up enough vs these xlarge opens but now i think i over did it here, but i just want to make sure. Im pretty sure im correct that i shouldve folded 88 and squeezed the KQs but i just want to make sure.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker HUD and Database Software
NL Holdem 0.1(BB)
HERO (100BBs) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 17.9% | AGG: 38.6% | Flop Agg: 45.7% | Turn Agg: 38.2% | River Agg: 31.6% | 3Bet: 8.7% | 4Bet: 10.6% | Hands: 76948]
CO (101.5BBs) [VPIP: 20% | PFR: 20% | AGG: 12.5% | Hands: 15]
BTN (125.8BBs) [VPIP: 17.6% | PFR: 5.9% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 18]
SB (104BBs) [VPIP: 17.6% | PFR: 17.6% | AGG: 25% | Flop Agg: 50% | Turn Agg: 0% | River Agg: 0% | 3Bet: 33.3% | Fold to 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 18]
BB (101.5BBs) [VPIP: 64.3% | PFR: 21.4% | AGG: 47.1% | Flop Agg: 42.9% | Turn Agg: 50% | River Agg: 50% | 3Bet: 50% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 66.7% | Hands: 14]
Dealt to Hero: 8♣ 8♦
HERO Raises To 2.5BBs, CO Folds, BTN Calls 2.5BBs, SB Raises To 15BBs, BB Calls 14BBs, HERO Calls 12.5BBs, BTN Folds
Hero SPR on Flop: [1.79 effective]
Flop (47.5BBs): K♦ J♥ J♣
SB Checks, BB Checks, HERO Checks
Turn (47.5BBs): K♦ J♥ J♣ 4♥
SB Checks, BB Checks, HERO Checks
River (47.5BBs): K♦ J♥ J♣ 4♥ J♠
SB Checks, BB Checks, HERO Checks
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker Tracking Software
NL Holdem 0.1(BB)
HERO (121BBs) [VPIP: 21.1% | PFR: 17.9% | AGG: 38.6% | Hands: 76948]
BB (99BBs) [VPIP: 90% | PFR: 10% | AGG: 21.4% | Hands: 10]
UTG (307.2BBs) [VPIP: 90% | PFR: 40% | AGG: 33.3% | Flop Agg: 50% | 3Bet: 33.3% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 10]
HJ (100.9BBs) [VPIP: 60% | PFR: 20% | AGG: 12.5% | Hands: 10]
CO (115.3BBs) [VPIP: 37.5% | PFR: 25% | AGG: 71.4% | Flop Agg: 66.7% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 8]
BTN (83.4BBs) [VPIP: 70% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 53.8% | Hands: 10]
Dealt to Hero: Q♥ K♥
UTG Calls 1BBs, HJ Calls 1BBs, CO Raises To 5BBs, BTN Calls 5BBs, HERO Folds, BB Calls 4BBs, UTG Raises To 33.8BBs, HJ Folds, CO Calls 28.8BBs, BTN Folds, BB Folds
3 Replies
I would called 88 and would called or raised to around 20bb KQs and folding vs limp/raise.
88 - I'd fold pre. High rake environment. Squeeze ranges are snug and it's tough to realize equity.
KQs - Hand is way too strong to fold against 2 limps and an iso. Could be some merit in calling to keep the fish in, but I'd personally squeeze to 20bb-23bb
88 - I'd fold pre. High rake environment. Squeeze ranges are snug and it's tough to realize equity.
KQs - Hand is way too strong to fold against 2 limps and an iso. Could be some merit in calling to keep the fish in, but I'd personally squeeze to 20bb-23bb
This seems good.