Comeback to poker after 10 years, help me out.
So, used to play a ton of nl25 and nl50 in like 2013-15. Haven't played a single hand online until last week. Started of with a 300€ deposit and grinding nl10. I'm not expecting too much, but still hope the game hasn't changed that much and I could still be a winning microplayer.
Did download Pokertracker and have the free trial for 14 days or whatever. And it looks like this after my first 20kish hands. Not in love with the results, but feel like I've had two bad tilts where I just donked 3-5 buy ins in minutes. Still in the green.
This brings me to a question regarding the non showdown losses. After downloading PT and seeing the graph after the first 5-6k hands I sat down and thought about how to get the red line to also go up. I feel like it messed me up, as I tried to bluff in situations that (not sure if they are good or not) I don't really feel comfy. I'm thinking I might not be value betting rivers enough is one of my many leaks.
Here's a situation I run into a lot. Imaginary situation;
(100bb deep) Hero has Qh Qd on the button. Folds to me. I probably have a pretty active image (Tracker says 27VPIP / PFR 22,5 / 3bet 8,5)
I make it 3bb. BB calls
Flop: 3s 4h 8s(pot size 6,5bb)
Villain checks - Hero bet 5,5bb - Villain calls
Turn 9h (pot size 17,5bb)
Villain checks - Hero bets 12bb
River Ad (pot size 41,5bb)
Villain tanks and checks. Hero ??
The easy way, ofc, would be to check. And I feel like I do it 90% of the time in situations like these. Both flushes miss and only a random 25 gets there with a straight. Let's assume the Villain isn't a total fish that would be calling any two in the bb.
We loose to flopped sets (33&44, feel like 88 would 3bet), 89 (?) and ofc now A3, A4 and A8.
We have about 80bb behind and the pot is 40bb. Is this a standard bet-fold? If so, how big of a bet? I don't love the idea of betting like 15bb and making it look a bit weak and make villain turn his missed draw into a check raise bluff. What are we hoping to get called from if we bet 20-30bb?
I'm lost. Even more now than before I started writing this. Appreciate any input from someone that has more experience. <3
OH, how do I make the handhistory look more clean with suits symbols?
Here's the graph.

5 Replies
A negative red line is normal and not necessarily a bad thing.
I would say something like this:
red line:
>-2bb/100 likely has high aggression/high calling, could be exploitative behavior or leaks
-2 to -5bb/100 is normal/fine not necessarily indicative of many leaks/major leaks by only looking at this line
-5 to -8bb/100 probably have some leaks
<-8bb/100 definitely have leaks
For questions regarding hand histories I'd recommend you post them separately.
I would not bet that river, too thin in my opinion. If you were up against a loose passive opponent you could get a little bit of extra value with a small exploitative 1/4 pot bet on river knowing that you'll rarely get check/raised. That ace isn't as good for you as you might think since your opponent should be arriving at the river with some flush draws containing the ace.
I have the opposite scenario as you. My red line is high and my blue line is negative. I suspect that I continuation bet too much, also when I 5-bet bluff all-in preflop I'd imagine that brings down my blue line while bringing up my red line. I suspect that there is a bit of an inverse relationship between both the blue and red line. The important thing is to have a positive yellow line.
I agree with @TheGodson.
Your action on the river should be based on opponent type. It's a check by default on the river, but you can exploit passive opponents by small bet/fold.
Graph looks fine/good to me so probably over worrying
When you open a hand in replayer in pokertracker under Options you can click 'View Hand Details'. On the next screen the blue button at the top copies the hand history to 2+2 format in your clipboard so you can just paste that here.
I think the bet on the river depends on how loose you think he calls the turn bet, is he calling with any two overcards on the turn, or just Ace high, and then is the Ace really a scare card? Does he even believe in scare cards reducing his value? Things like that. I think you just half pot the river against pocket pairs.