facing river Jam with KK ?

facing river Jam with KK ?

Unsure what I call facing river jam.

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16 April 2024 at 06:37 AM

4 Replies


villian hand

Wow nice call

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I guess you figured he doesn't value bet the turn with marginal hands and decided to call the river based on if he saw you call and not raise and you rep a capped range. I guess it depends for me how often I've seen him be aggressive. The more aggression, the more likely I want to call, the less aggression the more I want to fold and just expect to see the full house.

I think it's a fold on the river.

The opponent's range can have a lot of better hands (QQ, JJ, 99, KTs, AJs, KJs, QJs, JTs, T9s) and the line doesn't look overbuffed.
