Folding A set Vs. A preflop Nit?

Folding A set Vs. A preflop Nit?

Hello Yall, I recently played this hand on ACR. My opponent was a super nit, Preflop Stats of 3/2 VPIP PFR over a 176 Hand Sample.

CO Hero (100BB)
SB Super NIT(90BB)

Hero Raises QdQs to 2.5BB SB Raises to 10.5BB CO Calls Pot 20

Honestly, I think the preflop call with queens is borderline, I'm kind of crushed by his range, but I think Set mining is not a bad idea might be marginally plus EV, although looking at it out of game I think I would fold in this spot since he's only 90 BB deep.

Flop QT2R Villan Bets 1/2 Pot Hero Calls Pot 40BB I don't think there is a point to raising with such a low spr IP.

Turn Ass Vilan vets 35% pot Hero Calls, Villan does not have some sets with AA, but it's still very likely that he has KK or AK, so I think Calling is fine Raising might fold out the weaker part of his range so I just call.

River Jsss Villan Bets 33% hero? I think this is the worst possible runout for my range, every hand in my opponents range improved, it's really hard to find any bluffs in Villans range. I was wondering if I should fold here, because I don't think that villain is the type to fold a straight or top Set even on a 3 flush.

19 April 2024 at 06:54 PM

2 Replies

Also it was at a 6-Max 2NL Table

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I think like you said if he is a super nit, you are going to like a fold here because he has too much AK and AA and considering even KK got there. Fwiw I still call here preflop to set mine its just unfortunate it had to end up in a fold here.
