KK facing couple of barrels

KK facing couple of barrels

Yatahay Network - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: 101.5 BB
CO: 55.5 BB
BTN: 113 BB
SB: 100.5 BB
BB: 126 BB
Hero (UTG): 100 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K K

Hero raises to 2 BB, MP calls 2 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold

Flop: (5.5 BB, 2 players) 3 3 9
Hero checks, MP bets 2.5 BB, Hero calls 2.5 BB

Turn: (10.5 BB, 2 players) T
Hero checks, MP bets 11 BB, Hero calls 11 BB

River: (32.5 BB, 2 players) 4
Hero checks, MP bets 39 BB


19 April 2024 at 08:02 PM

18 Replies

If you're going to check the flop it should be with the intent to check raise and pile money in as quickly as possible.

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I think check call flop is fine but we should mix both; raising more without a club.

AP in theory its probably a call but line will be way underbluffed so dont hate folding river

by DSA Stephen k

raising more without a club.


Probably shouldn't min raise open this hand.

Post flop I would suggest finding a way to pile in your stack.

by billylean k


Pp without a club will need more protection and will unblock bbs flush draws

by swerbs22 k

Probably shouldn't min raise open this hand.

Post flop I would suggest finding a way to pile in your stack.

I min raise utg nothing wrong with this, it's going to make very little difference to ev, I would suggest trying to use the size that is used least by your population

unbelievable again… lol

Bet flop / ap raise flop
Bet turn / ap raise turn
Bet river / ap raise river

You have the best hand 80%+
Could there be a better board for your hand???????

by DSA Stephen k

I min raise utg nothing wrong with this, it's going to make very little difference to ev, I would suggest trying to use the size that is used least by your population

If MP is cold calling a min raise it’s probably going to incentivize others to come along as well, KK doesn’t play well MW so sure there’s nothing wrong with it but it absolutely is affecting your EV in these games.

No idea what you’re saying about using the size least used by population, that’s irrelevant. You should be using sizes that increases your edge and makes decisions easier.

by swerbs22 k

If MP is cold calling a min raise it’s probably going to incentivize others to come along as well, KK doesn’t play well MW so sure there’s nothing wrong with it but it absolutely is affecting your EV in these games.

No idea what you’re saying about using the size least used by population, that’s irrelevant. You should be using sizes that increases your edge and makes decisions easier.

I don't know anything about vilain but you are right if a player like MP flats a lot.
If you raise bigger most of them call anyway and don't even notice the difference

by DSA Stephen k

Pp without a club will need more protection and will unblock bbs flush draws

Inversely, kk with a club has higher EV because it reduces villains highest equity hands, namely flushdraws, and weights villain towards 1 pair hands which we are crushing. We don't need/won't get "protection" if villain has a FD.

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by simplelessons k

Inversely, kk with a club has higher EV because it reduces villains highest equity hands, namely flushdraws, and weights villain towards 1 pair hands which we are crushing. We don't need/won't get "protection" if villain has a FD.

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Maybe protection was a wrong word, but non club pp are more of a slave to the run out so we want to rush our equity more, with a club we are less bothered. Also yes kk with a club is higher equity but that doesn't mean the highest EV play is always to put a much money in as fast as possible for example when we have a high equity hand that locks down the board with will often trap in many nodes of the game tree to allow villain to catch up

by swerbs22 k

If MP is cold calling a min raise it’s probably going to incentivize others to come along as well, KK doesn’t play well MW so sure there’s nothing wrong with it but it absolutely is affecting your EV in these games.

No idea what you’re saying about using the size least used by population, that’s irrelevant. You should be using sizes that increases your edge and makes decisions easier.

I think it will depend on how our opponents react to the change in size, if we raise 2bb and get 4 callers or raise 5bb and get 4 callers then I would rather raise 2bb and not have to play a bloated pot Oop, however if we raise 5bb and get to play hu Vs 2bb mw then the former is obviously superior.

The reason I say use a size that is least used by population is that our opponents will likely make more mistakes due to the difference in spr to what they are used to and therefore increase our EV in later nodes of the game tree

by DSA Stephen k

Maybe protection was a wrong word, but non club pp are more of a slave to the run out so we want to rush our equity more, with a club we are less bothered. Also yes kk with a club is higher equity but that doesn't mean the highest EV play is always to put a much money in as fast as possible for example when we have a high equity hand that locks down the board with will often trap in many nodes of the game tree to allow villain to catch up

Bloating the pot on early streets with hands that don't/can't play big pots on certain runouts doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

The big issue i have with playing a x/c line is it requires us to think villain is going to pile money in the pot with 9x, tt, jj, and other similar strength hands. Most of villains range is pp, Ax, and random middle cards. We already have a data point that indicates passive play, so we can't expect a hand like AT to barrel turns where it doesn't improve, so we allow villain to see 2 cards in position for 2.5BB when we x/c. On the other hand, getting villain to put in a bet with Ax and then fold it to a x/r is a massive win for us.

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Guys I love how deep your going into strategy and I find it very useful and insightful...
But ma boi Billy is more worried about keeping the pot as small as possible to lose minimum against 3x even tho there should not be any...

I would snapcall the river, would think about it if villain makes it 1.5x pot or more.

Easiest call ever, too strong to fold , cant really raise

Usually I bet bet bet here to get value for all the times he floats and double floats, but i can understand why you check called (you are way ahead). I wouldn't make a habit of calling river overbets because overbets at low stakes mean strength often but if there was a spot for a call it would be this one where you look like 66 or 77 or 88, and he is trying to fold you. It sucks if he just had TT here though.

★ Recommended Post
by swerbs22 k

If MP is cold calling a min raise it’s probably going to incentivize others to come along as well, KK doesn’t play well MW so sure there’s nothing wrong with it but it absolutely is affecting your EV in these games.

No idea what you’re saying about using the size least used by population, that’s irrelevant. You should be using sizes that increases your edge and makes decisions easier.

The preflop size that is best for your entire range as a whole which GTO preflop ranges are designed around.
