25nl How thick is our SDV?

25nl How thick is our SDV?

Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker Tracking Software

NL Holdem 0.25(BB)
HERO (115.5BBs)
BTN (98.6BBs) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]
SB (85.1BBs) [VPIP: 100% | PFR: 100% | AGG: 66.7% | Hands: 1]
BB (104.1BBs) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]
UTG (139.2BBs) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]
HJ (106.8BBs) [VPIP: 0% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 1]

Dealt to Hero: K A

UTG Folds, HJ Folds, HERO Raises To 2.5BBs, BTN Folds, SB Raises To 7BBs, BB Folds, HERO Calls 4.5BBs

Hero SPR on Flop: [5.24 effective]
Flop (14.9BBs): T 4 7
SB Bets 7.1BBs (Rem. Stack: 71BBs), HERO Calls 7.1BBs (Rem. Stack: 101.4BBs)

Turn (29.2BBs): T 4 7 7
SB Bets 13.9BBs (Rem. Stack: 57.1BBs), HERO Calls 13.9BBs (Rem. Stack: 87.6BBs)

River (56.9BBs): T 4 7 7 8
SB Checks, HERO ??

The only thing I know about this gentleman is he looks fishy.

23 April 2024 at 06:20 PM

33 Replies


by newguyhere k

OP you can check your own DB with these filters

Ty for this

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by TripleBerryJam k

Should be 1739 calls total. This is with the average 4-bet shoves card removal, so we'll get called by a different range with AKo

899 (51.7%) were TT+ AK, 206 (11.85%) 22-99, so it should be 634 (36.5%) hands we crush.

We're 40.4% against TT+ AK and 45.6% against 22-99. For the air I'll say 70.1% equity which is what we have vs AQs

(.517*.404)+(.1185*.456)+(.365*.701)=0.518769 or 51.9% equity when called.

Assuming 190bb pot on average we get 98.61bb back when they call, but we shoved for 92.5bb

So it sounds like AJs, AQ+, and TT+ can profitably shove here.

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by TripleBerryJam k

Should be 1739 calls total. This is with the average 4-bet shoves card removal, so we'll get called by a different range with AKo

899 (51.7%) were TT+ AK, 206 (11.85%) 22-99, so it should be 634 (36.5%) hands we crush.

We're 40.4% against TT+ AK and 45.6% against 22-99. For the air I'll say 70.1% equity which is what we have vs AQs

(.517*.404)+(.1185*.456)+(.365*.701)=0.518769 or 51.9% equity when called.

Assuming 190bb pot on average we get 98.61bb back when they call, but we shoved for 92.5bb

Great post TBJ!

Whales who 3b <6% aren't calling a 4b jam with all of that garbage because they don't have it to begin with. They're a separate kind of fish than the maniacs who tilt call off stacks with random trash.

by AskZandar k

Whales who 3b <6% aren't calling a 4b jam with all of that garbage because they don't have it to begin with. They're a separate kind of fish than the maniacs who tilt call off stacks with random trash.

Where are you getting <6% 3B from? You can't use the aggregate stat you need to use position specific.

My old CFP data has 6.9% for SB3BETvsCO but I'm pretty sure simplelessons play's on Iggy like me.

I have 8.3%SB3BETvsCO.

The argument of them not having all that trash isn't entirely accurate. Even though they 3bet tighter that doesn't necessarily mean it is a stronger range. If you look at range composition they have weak hands like K9o/A4o sometimes and regs never do.

I have fish SB3Bet v CO at 7.9%

All the talk of Jam is interesting but I would much rather just 4bet 18-20bb and play a 4b pot IP or face a Jam and call as I expect their jam range to be weaker than there call of range however I play on untracked so no data to back this up

by newguyhere k

I have fish SB3Bet v CO at 7.9%

Thx for the data NG.

We need between 48%-49% equity vs his calling range to jam profitably. I'm looking at that 3bet range and I don't think hands like AQo/AQs/AJs/ATs/KQs are folding very often vs a jam.

Also him folding a hand like QJo is not a bad result as we still get to net 8bb and not pay rake.

What are your thought's on jamming preflop vs just calling the 3bet?

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jamming is the worst option (excluding fold ofc)

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