Good or bad Hero folds at 2NL ?
Hi !
This is my first post on this forum, I've read some threads here and noticed it was pretty active (compared to french forums, I'm french btw), so decided I would make the jump and start posting some hands as I like reviewing a lot but often lack points of view from others players, which I'm really interested in. Feel free to let me know if I can make anything to make the posts more pleasing to read (a better way to display hands or less text, for example)
Hand 1:

Villain is a supposed rec (mono tabling and not fullstack) but no real info except he's 38/12/0 in 16 hands
Flop It felt strong to donk pot in 3way, but I decided to call knowing he can often have 2P+, since he can also have dominated 6x and some draws (sometimes, even though he didn't look aggro)
Turn OVB 2.5x pot in 3way, it looks super strong. In game I thought he would only defend 75s (since he didnt look too wide and VPIP 38, but only 16 hands). He can for sure have full, but is it wrong to assume he doesn't have all of them since most of the time they would probably bet smaller in order not to make us fold ??
He can also have some K6, maybe lower 6x, but not sure he would size that much with them ? (maybe) and occasionally some combo draws or pair + draws
What would you do ?
Hand 2:
Pretty straightforward hand (excuse me if it sounds like a stupid hand to share, it bothered me so I decided to share it)
Villain is a supposed rec, monotabling and limped one or two hands but not info at all

Against unknown I'm happy to go 4bet/broke even though I know people under 3 bet from the BB, my hand is just too strong.
From my experience, if he shoves it's mostly QQ+ AK (some players do not go broke AK at those stakes, and fish can also overplay hands like AQ 88-JJ sometimes)
But when he 5bet sizes me it looks super strong, I do not see AK or QQ do that, or maybe it's just a degen but no info
What would you do ?
Thanks in advance for any feedback !
5 Replies
Hi, I like your hand history format as it very easy to read...
HH1: I would be very happy to stack of here vs fish ... We do lose to 44,33 64 63 (should be suited) and 75 but as you mention its very possible that hes doing it with 6x and you are in very good shape against that. Also he might go crazy with flush draw or 5x
HH2: I would also stack off here, but at 2nl people imo 3B/4B/5B much tighter so be carefull to go all in
Hand 1
Agree with @DeeKayBee. We don't need to fold if we beat some value in the opponent's range.
Hand 2
5bets looks stronger than shoves but don't fold KK, especially these positions.
Thanks for the replies !
I know the title was a bit misleading (on purpose I admit lol), but I only ended up folding one of those two hands (can give the results of the non-folded hand if relevant/interested)
Hand 1:
My concern was that I'm not sure this siz (3x POT MW is strong af in micros) is used a lot by weak 6x (but same can be said for full houses that sometimes use a smaller sizing) so maybe not that useful to worry about
Hand 2:
Do we agree that my decision is to fold or shove ? The thing is that if normal shove looks like QQ+ AKo+, then what does the 5bet siz mean ? I think it's even stronger at those positions since the field in micros is even more value heavy when given the option to call. This might be biased, but at those positions, 5bet siz screams to me : AA, a regfish that is leveling himself thinking i have 4bet bluffs and has seen somewhere A5s is a good bluff (but very very uncommon + no info on villain and no dynamic) or a big fish on the loose spectrum who is clicking (but no info and not that common too). I don't know if being very scared (not really money wise, but decision wise) is a leak in my thinking process or just my brain adapting to all the times it was AA after being stuck in micros after 200k hands + ... (shame)
H1 it's hard to assign them a range since their line makes little sense, but I think we can answer yes to the question "can they ever play a worse 6 like this?", which makes it a call in my opinion. Not super happy about it, especially since we have a player behind, but oh well
H2 yes it's very often AA. Many many times in this spot I thought "lol this is AA 99% of the time, I should fold KK, but the common wisdom is to never fold KK for 100bb, OK I shove" and was finally shown AA.
HH1 Dominated 6x makes total sense for a rec to donk flop and shove turn when he make trips, even mw. Being mw doesn't entirely eliminate draws and nonsense. Would be a very different story if the other guy had position on this rec and called the turn shove though, as it would be super strong range very often. On these positions it looks a pretty straightforward call.
HH2 Very annoying spot, but I don't think we can fold KK here in these positions.