Playing (or outplaying myself) Single raise pot OOP as the preflop raiser

Playing (or outplaying myself) Single raise pot OOP as the preflop raiser

Hi ! Here are some hands played at 2NL that gave me food for thought as I'm not sure my lines were the best to take

HH 1: villain 43/30/8 (30 hands), not sure yet if reg or rec

Not sure whether to cbet or not. I would say it's a board we could X a lot of the time especially being OOP and bet big but haven't really checked the spot.
In practice I considered cbetting small since the field doesn't raise enough but I don't see much benefit in realising my equity with this specific hand. Also im WA/WB and dont expect him to be overagressive vs X with broadway gutshot (that could call and bluff me later), and he can sometimes overprotect pp or Tx in one street, so I opted for the X.
Called even though siz looks strong, River I folded because I dont see a lot of natural bluffs (many draws flop get to at least 2nd pair good kicker river and would mostly x back)
At the same time, his X turn looks sus af ( no 33 TT AT (no AJo AQo ?) so he's repping QJs, 2P, and Axs flush). Any thoughts ?

HH2 : rec 23/8/0 (30 hands), looks like a weak/passive player

Maybe I should have cbet (small ?), it would simplify the spot but I think I didn't because I was not sure about double barrelling. I also thought : well if he got a pp or better Ax he will play passively and I will bluff him later.
Really not sure whats the best : double barreling, bet/X or X/X and bluff river

HH3: reg 33/26/8 (80 hands)

Looks like we found a pattern ....
Same question as HH2 regarding the line

Not sure turn : he has all the 2P, Set and straights, and regarding Jx : I dont know if he has AJ (maybe 3bet) but at the same time he can have JTs QJs and he can also have merged bets like 66 T9s 76s. can also have bluffs ?? (mostly QT and Axs)
River I decided to call since I tunneled vision on QT as an easy bluff but now I figured he probably only have QTs (and not QTo) so now I think fold would be better. (now I also consider donking river but probably not here since he looks very polarized turn

Thanks in advance to anyone who reads or answers ! (No need to write about all 3 hands if you want to reply btw)

29 April 2024 at 07:27 PM

2 Replies

Playing OOP is hard and with the huge amount of cold call we get at microstakes... we have to suffer 😀

H1 seems fine, if you did not have Qs I think you can consider folding flop vs this big bet

H2 definitively cbetting: K high board good for the preflop raiser, nut flush draw, backdoor straight draw. You could also check/raise. I guess check/call is OK in theory but in practice not easy to play. You can think like this: the bets you called on the flop and on the river, you could have bet yourself (on the turn you pick the gutshot): same amount of $ spent, but now you benefit from the fold equity.

H3 is tough, we get milked quite often but I don't see where we fold.

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This is just the way I think I would've played. Feel free to disagree.

Hand 1: Open smaller/normal pre. x/c flop. Fold river. Too many AX and flushes for us to call a large bet, especially considering BTN cold called a 5 bb CO open.

Hand 2: Cbet flop 1/3 pot. K-high flop SRP villain should've 3bet most of their K's IP, one of those board structures I like to almost range cbet instead of the more frequent OOP check SRP. Continue turn.

Hand 3: Flop and turn xc like you did. Call river. Not liking it a lot, but I think in real life villain would be betting worse 2-pairs for value or bluffing here often enough for us to justify a call.
