NL10 - turn spot in 3bet pot with KQo

NL10 - turn spot in 3bet pot with KQo

Villain 21/4 over 81 hands.

Preflop I 3bet/Squeeze with KQo, I would fold to a 4bet

On flop I decide to make a Cbet with two overcards and backdoor straight draws and flushdraw. Is this a good cbet and is the betsize ok?. Or should I check instead?

What would you do on the turn?

SB: $10.92 (109.2 bb)
BB: $12.12 (121.2 bb)
UTG+1: $10.15 (101.5 bb)
UTG+2: $10.15 (101.5 bb)
MP1: $11.51 (115.1 bb)
MP2: $12.79 (127.9 bb)
MP3: $6.31 (63.1 bb)
Hero (CO): $10.35 (103.5 bb)
BTN: $7.32 (73.2 bb)

Preflop: Hero is CO with K


2 folds, MP1 raises to $0.30, MP2 folds, MP3 calls $0.30, Hero raises to $1.20, 4 folds, MP3 calls $0.90

Flop: ($2.85) 8



(2 players)
MP3 checks, Hero bets $1.20, MP3 calls $1.20

Turn: ($5.25) 9

(2 players)
MP3 checks, Hero?

03 May 2024 at 05:56 PM

11 Replies

Outside of having a BDFD and a FD on the turn this isn't a great board for preflop 3bettor. So I would mostly check turn.

I think this is a good enough bet but just consider that when you have kq that your pair outs are probably good so you have the right to feel as though you are ahead of some of his range here. But that card on the turn hits most of what he was drawing with so you should just check behind and fold the river even if you end up hitting a pair.

I have a question though, why are you 3betting a 4 percent raiser though.

by garyuuougi k

I think this is a good enough bet but just consider that when you have kq that your pair outs are probably good so you have the right to feel as though you are ahead of some of his range here. But that card on the turn hits most of what he was drawing with so you should just check behind and fold the river even if you end up hitting a pair.

I have a question though, why are you 3betting a 4 percent raiser though.

Yeah, I should have checked. I guess my thought process was that villain only has about pot sized bet all in and I just mindlessly thought I have some outs. I did bet and put him all in and villain called and turned JJ. Luckily I still had 35% equity against JJ

Actually I didnt 3bet the 4% raiser. He was the caller (MP3) and it was a squeeze pot.

Wouldn't squeeze pre. KQo is an average combo with no Ax blockers and we'll get overcalled by the fish or even worse they jam and we have to fold.

AP check turn for similar reasons

by Ceres k

Wouldn't squeeze pre. KQo is an average combo with no Ax blockers and we'll get overcalled by the fish or even worse they jam and we have to fold.

AP check turn for similar reasons

Would you call KQo in this spot or fold? What about KQs, same thing?

I'd just fold. I'd fold KQo vs a 100bb fish call too. I'd squeeze KQs vs 2 100bb stacks, but I still think a disgusted face fold vs the shortie call

I don't know for sure but these are my assumptions. Vs the shortstack I would only squeeze AQs/borderline TT+, because at least then we have ok odds vs their Ax shoving range. But it's close. KQ is just not a good combo in this situation because of that not inconsiderable shove risk.

If we know both players or shortie is a bona fide whale I can see some merit in calling KQs with position and seeing how the flop plays out. But at 10nl the rake is so high we should always be inclined to try and end things preflop amap (unless we have a massive skill edge)

by Ceres k

I'd just fold. I'd fold KQo vs a 100bb fish call too. I'd squeeze KQs vs 2 100bb stacks, but I still think a disgusted face fold vs the shortie call

I don't know for sure but these are my assumptions. Vs the shortstack I would only squeeze AQs/borderline TT+, because at least then we have ok odds vs their Ax shoving range. But it's close. KQ is just not a good combo in this situation because of that not inconsiderable shove risk.

If we know both players or shortie is a bona fide whale I can see s

Thank you for thorough answer! 😀

Villain seems very passiv and hes range consist lots of pair+fd they usually wont raise otf and not fold on turn. not good idea to barrel here just check and take your free card you have still lots of equity.

by Dontletit k

Villain seems very passiv and hes range consist lots of pair+fd they usually wont raise otf and not fold on turn. not good idea to barrel here just check and take your free card you have still lots of equity.

Wise words! I should have done that instead of putting him all in

What happend in game? (results) My prediction is that you went all in and he called with TJ no heart

★ Recommended Post
by DeeKayBee k

What happend in game? (results) My prediction is that you went all in and he called with TJ no heart

I put him all in and he called quickly with JJ ja won. I had 35% equity so luckily I had some outs
