Bluff river MW

Bluff river MW

Probably a bit larger would be better. What's your river sizing?

11 May 2024 at 03:03 AM

10 Replies

Probably 150-200%.

MW bluff in 9max???


Ax heavy ranges + 2x fish, it's a pass from me bob

by Ceres k

Ax heavy ranges + 2x fish, it's a pass from me bob

So you think both fish are calling Ax on the flop and then checking river?

I guess it's possible... but.

Check flop without the BDFD for sure MW. When we donbet i think 1/2 pot is way too big MW , mandatory bluff turn when we do bet flop given we pick up GS and unblock any BD floats. River is good. Sometimes they don't fold, that doesn't mean we made a mistake

by FreakDaddy k

So you think both fish are calling Ax on the flop and then checking river?

I guess it's possible... but.

A lot of Ax will have gutshots (or even exciting & miscalced backdoor equity)

River, 'type of fish' situation i guess. But i can see passive types x/c > leading with top pair

Flop seems bad. Hand is trash, bet is too big fish has very little behind and will jam a ton vs half pot.

Otr fish has less than pot bet behind, so just put him all in if you want to bluff.

by swerbs22 k

MW bluff in 9max???


Haha... admittedly, I haven't played much FR in a while. I was testing some new features in Drivehud when this hand came up. MW against fish where they can obviously have almost any 2, was trying to figure a break even point in my head to get 2 people off obv weak hands.

by Ceres k

A lot of Ax will have gutshots (or even exciting & miscalced backdoor equity)

River, 'type of fish' situation i guess. But i can see passive types x/c > leading with top pair

Of course, but there's more Jx, 2x, 3x, rando fish hand, and small pairs in their range than Ax and 45. I posted the hand because it's a narrow spot imho. I understand that when I'm playing it of course. I'm normally not c-betting Q high MW without more backdoor outs at least.

★ Recommended Post
by FreakDaddy k

Haha... admittedly, I haven't played much FR in a while. I was testing some new features in Drivehud when this hand came up. MW against fish where they can obviously have almost any 2, was trying to figure a break even point in my head to get 2 people off obv weak hands.

I do okay with large bets in the one-bet line. XXX, XXX, XXB200

Overbet probably overkill but it’s fun
