bet turn when villian checks?

bet turn for exploit and not give villain free card?
6 Replies
Yeah I think we want to mainly be betting our TT no spade here for value and protection, don't think this would even be an exploit. V should also be sizing up a bit on flop so when they go small; I expect there range to be even weaker so want to bet even more to clean up some of that equity
I fully agree with stephen. Important that he bets smal flop for sure we need to consider this when deciding what and how often to stab. When he bets small he just has way more hands in his range that we want to protect against like stephen mentioned.
thank you. i unfortunately tend to take the more passive route. need to get more aggressive.
Depending how you are constructing your range pre we should have some kk and QQ you can trap but our 99-JJ rarely if ever want to trap here
TT is pretty much the nuts here at 5NL, and your hand benefits from charging/folding out all of the overcards.
Pretty much always bet this turn.