5NL Streets with Big Slick
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker HUD and Database Software
NL Holdem 0.05(BB)
HERO ($6.26) [VPIP: 29.3% | PFR: 24.3% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.4% | Turn Agg: 34% | River Agg: 37.7% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.8% | Hands: 339678]
CO ($6.60) [VPIP: 14.3% | PFR: 10.7% | AGG: 50% | Hands: 56]
BTN ($5.70) [VPIP: 15% | PFR: 15% | AGG: 100% | Hands: 42]
SB ($5.22) [VPIP: 17.9% | PFR: 14.3% | AGG: 37.5% | Hands: 56]
BB ($4.78) [VPIP: 31.6% | PFR: 26.3% | AGG: 35% | Flop Agg: 50% | Turn Agg: 14.3% | River Agg: 33.3% | 3Bet: 15.4% | Fold to 3Bet: 100% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 38]
UTG ($7.06) [VPIP: 28.8% | PFR: 19.2% | AGG: 25% | Hands: 56]
Dealt to Hero: A♥ K♦
UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $0.13, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Raises To $0.51, HERO Calls $0.38
Hero SPR on Flop: [4.11 effective]
Flop ($1.04): A♠ 8♠ T♥
BB Bets $0.74 (Rem. Stack: $3.53), HERO Calls $0.74 (Rem. Stack: $5.01)
Turn ($2.52): A♠ 8♠ T♥ 2♣
BB Checks, HERO Bets $0.79 (Rem. Stack: $4.22), BB Calls $0.79 (Rem. Stack: $2.74)
River ($4.10): A♠ 8♠ T♥ 2♣ Q♠
BB Bets $2.74 (allin), HERO ?
12 Replies
Villain has B x B as the OOP 3 bettor. Difficult to find value hands that wouldn't bet or x/r on turn apart from JsTs, KsJs or AxJs, but I'm guessing he'd mostly barrel with these. The only river bluff that makes sense is KxKs (only two combos since you have the Kd). It's probably a fold then?
I would raise all-in otf, is it good? As played, Im folding river.
Is there a reason you aren’t four betting PF here? It’s only a small sample but it doesn’t appear that BB is the type that only 3 bets with big pairs. A 4 bet would decrease your effective SPR and make this a much easier hand to play.
Is there a reason you aren’t four betting PF here? It’s only a small sample but it doesn’t appear that BB is the type that only 3 bets with big pairs. A 4 bet would decrease your effective SPR and make this a much easier hand to play.
I think 4betting is definitely reasonable.
I didn't 4bet because BB3bet ranges are stronger in practice than theory. I also thought if I 4bet and got called that a lot of my opponent's will put me on the exact hand I have which will lose me some EV.
I think defo fold with AK but not sure where the line is.
Sets+ i guess if we have them. This could easily be AQ/AT etc
Okay ty for the responses. I did end up folding which I think is correct as well.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2 Poker Tracking Software
NL Holdem 0.05(BB)
HERO ($6.26) [VPIP: 29.3% | PFR: 24.3% | AGG: 36.7% | Flop Agg: 41.4% | Turn Agg: 34% | River Agg: 37.7% | 3Bet: 11.5% | 4Bet: 13.8% | Hands: 340105]
CO ($6.60) [VPIP: 14.3% | PFR: 10.7% | AGG: 50% | Hands: 56]
BTN ($5.70) [VPIP: 15% | PFR: 15% | AGG: 100% | Hands: 42]
SB ($5.22) [VPIP: 17.9% | PFR: 14.3% | AGG: 37.5% | Hands: 56]
BB ($4.78) [VPIP: 31.6% | PFR: 26.3% | AGG: 35% | Flop Agg: 50% | Turn Agg: 14.3% | River Agg: 33.3% | 3Bet: 15.4% | Fold to 3Bet: 100% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 38]
UTG ($7.06) [VPIP: 28.8% | PFR: 19.2% | AGG: 25% | Hands: 56]
Dealt to Hero: A♥ K♦
UTG Folds, HERO Raises To $0.13, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Folds, BB Raises To $0.51, HERO Calls $0.38
Hero SPR on Flop: [4.11 effective]
Flop ($1.04): A♠ 8♠ T♥
BB Bets $0.74 (Rem. Stack: $3.53), HERO Calls $0.74 (Rem. Stack: $5.01)
Turn ($2.52): A♠ 8♠ T♥ 2♣
BB Checks, HERO Bets $0.79 (Rem. Stack: $4.22), BB Calls $0.79 (Rem. Stack: $2.74)
River ($4.10): A♠ 8♠ T♥ 2♣ Q♠
BB Bets $2.74 (allin), HERO Folds
BB wins: $3.90
BB show's Q♣J♣
I usually just call against lines that don't have any value in them. What is he supposed to have here for value? I can't think of anything unless he somehow has a JT or KJ flush, which should be next to never.
I usually just call against lines that don't have any value in them. What is he supposed to have here for value? I can't think of anything unless he somehow has a JT or KJ flush, which should be next to never.
I wasn't sure if he was a fish or reg which made my decision harder. I do lean fish based on 3bet sizing/broken stack/bigger flop cbet
Ultimately I folded because he 3bet from the BB and BB3bets are stronger than theory. I do think AQ/QT/KJ can do this as well.
I don't have a strong opinion either way and can see your side though.
Interested to know what you think of villain's line? Check-calling 30% on turn seems okay if he's prepared to bluff rivers. Is having a J with no spade enough, though?
Interested to know what you think of villain's line? Check-calling 30% on turn seems okay if he's prepared to bluff rivers. Is having a J with no spade enough, though?
River is interesting. Flushes aren't as relevant because they are heavily blocked by the board but he can definitely have QQ although his flop sizing makes it less likely.
I don't like his flop cbet sizing but I can see him wanting to have a river donking range with a portion of his range. KJs isn't likely either because that usually bets turn or folds to the turn stab.
I think if he get's to the river somehow with a flush it's a mandatory donk jam. It's a rare line plus uncommon formation so I'm not too worried about perfect strategy in this spot.
If you take a look at positions by EV and rank them by importance. BB3BETvsHJ doesn't even crack the top 15.
It's a rare line plus uncommon formation so I'm not too worried about perfect strategy in this spot.
If you take a look at positions by EV and rank them by importance. BB3BETvsHJ doesn't even crack the top 15.
If I saw this showdown at a live low-midstakes game, I'd peg Villain as a semi-studied player. Most recs would check hoping for showdown, usually check-folded, virtually never consider check-raising as a bluff, let alone donking river as a bluff. I would guess that a small, studied portion of the live pool would consider a check-raise as the best option, aside from check-folding.
Understand your point about this hand not being that important in the end, though.