[100NL] Is this hand played well?

[100NL] Is this hand played well?

[converted_hand][hand_history]iPoker - €1 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

BB: €110.57 (110.6 bb)
UTG: €114.64 (114.6 bb)
CO: €104.00 (104 bb)
Hero (BTN): €134.61 (134.6 bb)
SB: €99.00 (99 bb)

SB posts €0.50, BB posts €1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: €1.50) Hero has T 7
2 folds, Hero raises to €2.50, SB raises to €11.00, fold, Hero calls €8.50

Flop: (€23.00, 2 players) 4 3 7
SB bets €7.59, Hero raises to €19.18, SB raises to €88.00, Hero calls €68.82

Villain is 3betting 15% on the SB and 13% overall on a significant sample. Are you fine with how the hand was played?

20 May 2024 at 09:26 AM

9 Replies

SB 3bets 88+ so probably not so good to stack off imo

Very interesting hand! After flop I would call SB bet 7.59 euro and see how the hand continue from that on turn. Considering SB bets 7.59 euros and If Hero raise and get shove all-in from SB, I would considering fold. I think SB is way a head of hand range as swerbs22 mention +88.

Maybe I'm wrong but don't you think that villain would bet bigger on the flop with 88+? Maybe not with AA-KK especially with a spade since those hands don't have to get protected a lot. But then again I don't see why AA-KK with a spade would jam 3bet OTF

I don't think the preflop call is profitable, this is really a trash hand. I guess fold > 4bet > call. If you think somebody 3bets too much I guess the adaptation is to open a little bit tighter (74s is not a BTN open I think, so in this context you might consider folding 75s) and 4bet more, maybe by 4betting the hands which are supposed to be mixed 4bet/call like ATs (if I am remembering my range correctly)

Your not in great shape vs hes shoving range . Hes 15% 3bet consist a lot of JQs KQs AJs Axs + overpairs.
I dont think hes shoving random trash otf.
In robots world its not jam with AA otf vs 3bet but KK and QQ are.
Also in practice they show up with 1010+ a lot.

I'd fold preflop.

When you are constructing flop raising ranges you want to raise more on flops where population cbets more than they should. This board is the opposite of that. Villain's will either play more checks than a solver or at the very least not overdo it because it is a bad board for OOP.

Just fold pre; GTO 3bets 15% SB v btn so if he is a bit wider we want to 4bet more and this hand just doesn't make the cut either way

Fold pre
15%3bet is not crazy and if blinds are supper aggressive 3bettors you don't adjust by calling trash. You should open tighter and maybe 4bet wider.

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The open raise was ok, but the rest is not good. Maybe even the worst option used for each decision after the 3b.
