Do open ranges change if we are shorthanded?

Do open ranges change if we are shorthanded?

for example should we open CO wider 4 handed vs 6-max? Ive always treated this question as a no, but what do you think? i kind of feel we should open wider short handed because we are paying the blinds more often?

22 May 2024 at 01:17 PM

7 Replies

I think in theory you open wider because when in 6-max when people before you mucked they supposedly threw away low cards, which leaves more high cards in players hands behind you (google bunching effect).

In practice... I would not care and stick to the range I know. But I almost always play 6-max anyway.

4max to 6 max bunching effect probably insignificant. 9 max to 3/4 max then you’ll want to adjust.

If our opponents are just playing 6-max ranges won't they end up folding less and 3-betting more? EV of stealing trashy hands goes down so we open tighter right?

Your open ranges should not change as you reduce number of players, but you will open a greater percentage of hands when short. That is because there are no early positions when short. When 9 handed your early position ranges are very tight (UTG, UTG+1, etc). If you’re playing 4 handed these positions effectively don’t exist. First to act 4 handed should be using CO range, not UTG. Because you will always be using looser ranges 4 handed than you would 9 handed, you will naturally open more often even though you haven’t widened any of your opening ranges

Who is the in the blinds should be the biggest determining factor on how much wider you can open.

by boulgakov k

I think in theory you open wider because when in 6-max when people before you mucked they supposedly threw away low cards, which leaves more high cards in players hands behind you (google bunching effect).

In practice... I would not care and stick to the range I know. But I almost always play 6-max anyway.


★ Recommended Post

Slightly wider, not super significant
