Adaptations to timing tells

Adaptations to timing tells

[converted_hand][hand_history]iPoker - €1 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

SB: €100.00 (100 bb)
BB: €118.46 (118.5 bb)
UTG: €114.53 (114.5 bb)
MP: €90.83 (90.8 bb)
CO: €102.80 (102.8 bb)
Hero (BTN): €114.93 (114.9 bb)

SB posts €0.50, BB posts €1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: €1.50)
fold, MP calls €1.00, CO raises to €5.00, Hero raises to €15.00, SB raises to €100.00, 3 folds, Hero ?

Unknown villain on the SB is shoving with less than 5 seconds remaining on his timebank (with an initial timebank of 20 seconds)

1. Would your calling range be the same regardless of his timing?
2. If no, what is the weakest hand of your calling range?

I have no precise answer for that, just want to know your thoughts

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28 May 2024 at 04:54 PM

1 Reply

I think because this is a very weird spot SB could be confused with decent hands as well and maybe figuring out if he can 4B non-allin. But in more standart full time bank all-in spot IMHO is 20% AA and 80% bottom value. For me because of tank AKo, QQ+
