Overfold a hand but i think not too bad

Overfold a hand but i think not too bad

Hi, I am a poker player from Taiwan and mostly playing 50/100 TWD online.
(Please ignore the following grammar mistake or wrong-using terms.)
It's an 8max Game online
UTG(100bb behind) opens to 2 MP(Hero with 300bigs) 3bets to 7 with JdJh Btn(200bigs) Cold call UTG calls
Flop 3c 5c Ts
UTG x /Hero x/ Btn bets 80%/UTG calls
I will mostly just calling here but actually I end up just folding at that spot.

1. If it is a Heads Up scenerio , I will 100% defend on this flop.
2. Facing IP bets80% and UTG calls, I don't think Jacks with no club can realize its showdown eqt.
For Example : Any AKQ, clubs , low cards(maybe completes IP sets or straights ), I will faced up lots of bets from Btn which will make me be in a tough spot. Especially if I call and UTG will only got 1.1~1.2 spr behind.
3. I don't think JJ are able to get in with 200bigs eff on this flop.

So I tank for a while and just fold my Jacks with no clubs. Yeah, I knew it's 100% an overfold and this is my first time folding JJ on this kind of flop. I still wonder if this is really a bad fold or actually not too bad.
I accept every kind of positive or negative discussion. Thanks everyone.

30 May 2024 at 08:37 PM

4 Replies

I wouldn't check the flop. There's still a lot of value to be had and our hand benefits a lot from protection especially against 2 opponents.

Folding is a punt as played I'm sorry to say. I agree you won't realise all your equity, but I still think we have comfortably enough starting equity to continue given that BTN appears to be a fish and can presumably be stabbing somewhat wide with bluffs and worse value hands and UTG will often 4 bet pre or raise flop with hands that beat us.

Yeah, I agree with you that Btn can stab lots of hands. Jacks should always be C-betting for protection. It's my first time trying to play this way. I knew I was overfolding at that moment. Your comments teach me a lot.
BTW, I wonder what is your C-betting strategy on that scenerio . Can you please share more with me?

On this board their only set *should* be TT. We are a little bit worried about QQ, not so much about KK or AA although sometimes I see really stupid preflop "slowplays".

Multiway pot, sandwich position, low flop... I doubt starting with a check is really wrong.

I don't find your x/f terrible vs 80% pot bet and being 200bb deep vs BTN, I would always continue with Js though.

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Yeah, I agree with you that Btn can stab lots of hands. Jacks should always be C-betting for protection. It's my first time trying to play this way. I knew I was overfolding at that moment. Your comments teach me a lot.
BTW, I wonder what is your C-betting strategy on that scenerio . Can you please share more with me?

I wouldn't worry about having a c-betting strategy in this particular spot. Instead, just try and find the most +EV play for your particular hand in a vaccum rather than worrying about what your range is doing.

The situations where you want to think about your strategy for cbetting are in common spots that come up frequently against other regs. So for example- BB vs BTN, CO vs BTN, BvB etc.

This is the opposite of such a spot since it is a rare spot (3 way 3 bet pot with a cold caller) against a fish. I would just bet JJ on the flop because I think the EV of betting is higher than the EV of checking. I wouldn't think about it anymore deeply than that.

Hope that makes sense and is helpful.
