KTs 4bet-Sqeeze?

KTs 4bet-Sqeeze?

CO is assumed to be a kind of regular (multitabling and never less than 100BB so far)
BB is unknown

PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - $0.02/$0.05 - 6 players
Hand delivered by CardsChat

UTG: $3.09 (62 bb)
MP (Hero): $5.26 (105 bb)
CO: $23.52 (470 bb)
BU: $5.00 (100 bb)
SB: $8.66 (173 bb)
BB: $7.39 (148 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.07) Hero is MP with T K
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.12, CO 3-bets to $0.36, 2 players fold, BB calls $0.31, Hero 4-bets to $1, 1 fold, BB calls $0.64

Flop: ($2.38) 4 Q 6 (2 players)
BB checks, Hero ????

Is PF bad idea with unknown BB?

As played BB only can be kind of fish?
Therefore we just bet our FD and OC?

30 May 2024 at 11:06 PM

3 Replies

I think your 4bet is a bit small, if I am not mistaken you open for 2.5bb, get 3bet 7bb and there is a cold call, so ~ 17bb in the pot. Vs CO alone your hand is almost a pure 4bet bluff (in theory!, in practice you have to adjust to your opponents, at microstakes almost everyone 3bets too tight) to 19 or 20bb. With the additional cold caller I would make it 26 27 bb, so $1.30.

I agree it's a 4bet/fold situation, you don't want to play a big multiway pot with such a questionable hand in a sandwich position. I would fold though because people who cold call 3bets... also cold call 4bets 😀

On the flop it's much better to bet small, it could allow you to see 2 cards for cheap if they have TT,JJ and don't dare raising you. Whereas if you check and brick the turn they might start "putting you on AK" and bet much bigger than the strength of their hand, which you don't want.

by boulgakov k

I would fold though because people who cold call 3bets... also cold call 4bets 😀

100% this.

One of the reasons this hand makes such a nice 4 bet in GTO is the ability to fold out a lot of hands that dominate us such as KQo and AT.

Our fold equity against those holdings is severely reduced against a fish who cold calls in the BB which torches the EV of 4 betting KT.

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Agree with the above - bet small on the flop and try to realise your equity
