block turn, x/jam river??

block turn, x/jam river??


05 June 2024 at 06:30 PM

4 Replies

Very sketchy when they check an obvious range bet flop, still though probably not folding good bluff catcher BTN vs SB after they go B30 turn

Some fun data points.

1. Flop is a range bet always. So what does it mean when someone checks in a range bet spot? And then show's aggression in an unorthodox line.

2. B30 OTT. I interpret this as the same as C-B30-B where the 30 is actually the strongest size not the weakest size. Especially on this board texture.

3. What hand wouldn't just bet river if they had air, and if they had a bluff catcher. Why not just call river?

4. 21/17 is very nitty.

All signs point to a fold but interested in results.

This reeks of QQ, and sometimes AQ/AK.

thanks all, looking back this is just a trivial fold. it's just not intuitive for humans to bluff this line and also a key point that ddp brought up:

by DooDooPoker k

3. What hand wouldn't just bet river if they had air, and if they had a bluff catcher. Why not just call river?

this unfortunately went over my head in game. results:
