[NL5] Please re-raises on the flop

[NL5] Please re-raises on the flop

PokerStars Zoom, Hold'em No Limit - $0.02/$0.05 - 6 players
Hand delivered by CardsChat

UTG: $5.55 (111 bb)
MP: $2.11 (42 bb)
CO: $10.59 (212 bb)
BU: $5.00 (100 bb)
SB (Hero): $5.02 (100 bb)
BB: $4.51 (90 bb)

Pre-Flop: ($0.07) Hero is SB with A K
2 players fold, CO raises to $0.15, 1 fold, Hero 3-bets to $0.44, 1 fold, CO calls $0.29

Flop: ($0.93) 8 Q K (2 players)
Hero bets $0.40, CO raises to $1.20, SB (Hero) folds

Total pot: $1.73 (Rake: $0.07)
CO wins $1.66

I feel he sometimes has AK and the other times he has KQ, KK, QQ or AA
GTO says we should re-raise again, but that's because GTO thinks AA, AK, KK and QQ are impossible in this line and that they are going to re-raise us with draws...
We had 28 hands with the opponent, they had 26% VPIP 22% PFR

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06 June 2024 at 03:32 AM

2 Replies

Not folding

★ Recommended Post

Call or 3b. They're over-raising in general
