Error that I can't clear up.

Error that I can't clear up.

Hello, I'm writing this post because I can't understand why I sometimes make this kind of move. Unable to understand what to do, I try to get other points of view. I'll give you the example of a hand that I played today in NL25 to see it more clearly.

I am SB, opens at 2.5 CO, I 3bet 11bb A3. He calls:

Flop 23bb :
No interest in betting for me on this flop, I'm ready to simply check/fold. CO checks behind.

Turn 23bb:
I continue to check. CO bets 12 bb.
I was about to fold, when a little voice in my head told me that villain represents nothing. The majority of the pool I play in would bet their 10s and pocketpairs as well as a good portion of those flush draws on the flop. I tell myself that I have nothing to lose by trying to minraise. This is where I need clarification. When villain represents very little in a spot, do you think it is +EV to raise or call a lot or even all of your hands?

I raise 24bb. Villain calls.

River 71bb:
I tell myself that villain may have called me with an As and a diamond, that he has a few rare flushes and PPs.
I shove 65bb. Villain calls QQ.

I am showing this spot because I am aware that I have delivered and that I risk continuing to do so as long as I do not have other points of view on this question:

If you consider that villain represents little and that there is no history between you, to what extent do you exploit and put pressure on his range?

Thank you for reading my message and wish you a good evening 😀

09 June 2024 at 09:43 PM

5 Replies

Question: what are YOU representing here? Like you reasoned with your opponent, you would likely be betting your AT, 77, 55, and flush draw hands on the flop. Since you did not do so, villain will discount most of your thick value holdings and think your range is pretty capped here. This seems read dependent here (and this particular villain is pretty passive with the flat PF and check back otf with QQ), but this doesn’t seem like a particularly great spot for a bluff check raise.

BTW please in the future do not post results. It is not necessary to the evaluation of your play and makes it more difficult to do a good analysis without being biased by those results. For this particular hand, you should end with “hero shoves 65 bb”.

if you wanna post results do so in 'fun hand histories containment thread'

Thanks for the answers.

It is not so much the result of this hand but more the strategic aspect of the exploitation which interests me.

To answer Stremba70's question, I actually represent little. I only have JTs for trips here, AA with the ace of diamonds and a few nut flushes (AKs, AQs), but I also have very few bluffs in this check raise turn, allin river or probably none ( normally).

When a profile looks rather beginner (not caved max, limp early position), I wonder if they think about what I represent or only look at the strength of their hand with the size of the sizing they have to call.
I tend to overplay my hands and “deliver” in these specific spots:

  • There is no history between me and the villain
  • I hypothesize that he doesn’t think more than that about my range and what I represent
  • He has very few good hands in this line and makes an action that seems inconsistent with his perceived range
  • I’m careful to make sure he hasn’t seen my bluff on the previous moves.

When these 3 conditions are met, I tend to tell myself that I can press very hard and bet, check/raise, allin river my entire range

How to manage these first approaches against a beginner player ?
Are you waiting to have more information about him and his tendencies before exploiting him?
Or do you take the opportunity to exploit it at the first opportunity that presents itself to you and test it?

For example on a slider from 0 to 100 : 0 being a balanced strategy and 100 the most exploitative strategy possible, how much do you place yourself at? (to get an idea)

This is noted for the tip for the future. Indeed, the villain's hand does not matter here!


Flop 23bb :
No interest in betting for me on this flop, I'm ready to simply check/fold. CO checks behind.

why do you have no interest in betting this flop? what range do you have interest betting?

there will be more questions and further breakdowns of your OP but i like to do each one individually.

★ Recommended Post

I 3bet A3s as a bluff and consider most of the EV to be when Villain fold preflop.

On this kind of flop, I have the impression that in one barrel, I have little fold equity. Villain is going to call me all these PPs, and a lot of high Aces (or even all?)

So these are flops that I like at least two barrels with hands that have at least one diamond (KxQ for example) or a backdoor draw and A3 seems to me to be one of the worst bluff combos because I won't have any good turn card where I could apply pressure with this hand.

I'll bet almost all of my 10s, my overpairs, and almost all of my off combos with a diamond and suited combos with backdoor spades.
