Spewey or Standard?
Go easy on me. It's been a minute since I played (Used to grind 25 and 50NL back in the day) and I'm starting back at 5NL. Very first session was pretty unlucky overall (EV bb/100 was 5 or so) but there were a couple of spots where I wanted to get opinions of my play. Is check calling better than leading? Bet size could have been bigger? Are we leading with the intention of getting it in as played? I didn't overthink it in the moment, but now I am xD
My reasoning for calling it off is
A) He's short-stacked and easily jams with any straight draws, fds, middle pairs, bottom pairs.
B) I have top pair against a short stack and I can't stand short stacks.
C) I have a bd fd
Is this a fold or nah?
NL Holdem 0.05(BB)
HERO ($9.47) [VPIP: 20.9% | PFR: 16.5% | AGG: 26.2% | Flop Agg: 40.9% | Turn Agg: 28.6% | River Agg: 9.7% | 3Bet: 5.2% | 4Bet: 45.5% | Hands: 551]
HJ ($5.75) [VPIP: 55.9% | PFR: 29.4% | AGG: 60.3% | Flop Agg: 55.9% | Turn Agg: 87.5% | River Agg: 55.6% | 3Bet: 5% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 71]
CO ($1.50) [VPIP: 53.3% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 38.5% | Flop Agg: 42.9% | Turn Agg: 42.9% | River Agg: 33.3% | 3Bet: 0% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 30]
BTN ($1.51) [VPIP: 29.4% | PFR: 5.9% | AGG: 27.3% | Flop Agg: 50% | Turn Agg: 0% | River Agg: 0% | 3Bet: 33.3% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 17]
SB ($8.99) [VPIP: 24.5% | PFR: 12.2% | AGG: 53.3% | Hands: 51]
Dealt to Hero: 6♠ Q♠
HJ Calls $0.05, CO Calls $0.03, BTN Calls $0.05, SB Folds, HERO Checks
Hero SPR on Flop: [6.59 effective]
Flop ($0.22): 8♣ 4♠ Q♣
HERO Bets $0.11 (Rem. Stack: $9.31), HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $1.46 (allin), HERO Calls $1.35 (Rem. Stack: $7.96)
Turn ($3.14): 8♣ 4♠ Q♣ 5♣
River ($3.14): 8♣ 4♠ Q♣ 5♣ T♦
BTN shows: J♣ Q♥
BTN wins: $2.99
9 Replies
The call is w.e. I guess. The initial flop bet is quite bad imo. There are three other players in the pot, I'm really not that excited about TPWK.
The call is w.e. I guess. The initial flop bet is quite bad imo. There are three other players in the pot, I'm really not that excited about TPWK.
Good point. Normally I check there. I may or may not have been a little annoyed by the bad run of cards I had been getting. Thanks for the feedback.
Smaller otf don't call jam.
I don't hate the flop bet. As played call the shove. It's a limped pot. Lots more draws in their range on this flop, and you can't expect a big hand here that just rando shoves. Plus you have a good amount of back door outs.
As a caveat I'm a losing player nl2/nl5 but for me asi played it, I like that no one raised pre flop suggesting maybe my opponents don't have a big strong Broadway holding ( like AA or KK).but I still go to the flop multiway which weakens my relative hand value. I don't like the aggression from button and I dont feel I have the equity to call. Is it more plus EV for me to call or fold. For me I like to fold here. I feel my hand is beaten. Thanks poster for posting. I had to edit because I can't type on my android phone .
As a caveat I'm a losing player nl2/nl5 but for me asi played it, I like that no one raised pre flop suggesting maybe my opponents don't have a big strong Broadway holding ( like AA or KK).but I still go to the flop multiway which weakens my relative hand value. I don't like the aggression from button and I dont feel I have the equity to call. Is it more plus EV for me to call or fold. For me I like to fold here. I feel my hand is beaten. Thanks poster for posting. I had to edit because I can't
Where do you play?
Seems whatever. Just don’t be results oriented