Bad Call? This spot actually tripped me out (5NL weirdness)
As with the last thread, go easy on me. I just got back into poker after a long time away. I used to grind 25NL and 50NL on Absolute back in the day. Starting back at 5NL. This session overall was fairly unlucky (EV bb/100 around 5) but there were a couple of spots I wanted to share that I thought may be incorrect.
This was by far the weirdest hand I played during this session. Looking back, it was a bit of a loose defend. I do personally feel like I should have folded river, but wanted to get anyone's opinion on if they'd ever call this as played.
I felt like I took a good line flop and turn, and then Villain overbets the pot on the river out of nowhere and admittedly it threw me off and looked like a bluff.
He also seemed a bit overly aggressive. The whole hand felt completely standard until the river. Can we/should we just bf turn next time to avoid this? Just fold river always? The reason I'm sharing this is because what he showed is the last thing I was expecting. Was this a good play by him? Genuinely curious to hear any thoughts.
NL Holdem 0.05(BB)
SB ($5.79) [VPIP: 28% | PFR: 18% | AGG: 48% | Flop Agg: 46.2% | Turn Agg: 37.5% | River Agg: 75% | 3Bet: 7.1% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 51]
HERO ($4.80) [VPIP: 20.9% | PFR: 16.5% | AGG: 26.2% | Flop Agg: 40.9% | Turn Agg: 28.6% | River Agg: 9.7% | 3Bet: 5.2% | 4Bet: 45.5% | Cold Call: 10% | Hands: 551]
HJ ($6.55) [VPIP: 54.2% | PFR: 12.5% | AGG: 17.4% | Hands: 25]
CO ($7.60) [VPIP: 17.5% | PFR: 12.5% | AGG: 37% | Hands: 80]
BTN ($5.76) [VPIP: 31.6% | PFR: 23.7% | AGG: 22.2% | Hands: 38]
Dealt to Hero: 7♠ 5♠
HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Folds, SB Raises To $0.20, HERO Calls $0.15
Hero SPR on Flop: [11.5 effective]
Flop ($0.40): Q♠ 9♠ 7♣
SB Checks, HERO Bets $0.20 (Rem. Stack: $4.40), SB Calls $0.20 (Rem. Stack: $5.39)
Turn ($0.80): Q♠ 9♠ 7♣ 2♦
SB Checks, HERO Checks
River ($0.80): Q♠ 9♠ 7♣ 2♦ 6♦
SB Bets $0.91 (Rem. Stack: $4.48), HERO Calls $0.91 (Rem. Stack: $3.49)
SB shows: J♥ J♣
SB wins: $2.49
5 Replies
We can probably fold the vast majority of bluff catchers to an unknown's overbet at these stakes.
Make a note that this guy can valieoverbet river light vs perceived cappedness, and that he opens JJ 4x in the sb. This is a guy I would look forward to play against more and learn to exploit.
You should top up to 100BB's.
It might be complete spew but I actually like going for a pot-sized bet OTT here occasionally. JJ, TT, 88 are all in quite a nasty spot, you prob get some stronger 7x and some 9x to fold. He's probably supposed to float some SD's you beat too. And you can river a 7, 5 or spade and go for more value.
I would fold as played because you're going to have many hands that would call before this one.
We can probably fold the vast majority of bluff catchers to an unknown's overbet at these stakes.
Make a note that this guy can valieoverbet river light vs perceived cappedness, and that he opens JJ 4x in the sb. This is a guy I would look forward to play against more and learn to exploit.
It's on Ignition but yeah I agree. It's the one thing I don't like about Ignition because I rely on notes and would have made one similar to what you said.
Feel free to critique my thought process:
I felt like he would have led a strong Q on the turn and I was more than happy taking a free card rather than betting and being put in a weird spot if he raises. I have equity in the hand and would rather just try and hit. That said, I sometimes am barreling again on turn in certain situations.
I do think it's a fold on the river because some weird stuff got there like 58, T8, any Q rag hand that made 2 pair, 67, etc. I think 97 bets the turn and the only bluffs we beat are JT, KJ, and some spade draws but we have spades. 96 is possible but pretty unlikely. All sets can take his line as well I think.
You should top up to 100BB's.
It might be complete spew but I actually like going for a pot-sized bet OTT here occasionally. JJ, TT, 88 are all in quite a nasty spot, you prob get some stronger 7x and some 9x to fold. He's probably supposed to float some SD's you beat too. And you can river a 7, 5 or spade and go for more value.
I would fold as played because you're going to have many hands that would call before this one.
Yeah, I don't know why it wasn't topped but I'm usually doing that. I need to see if Ignition has auto top-off. Ignition is kind of annoying because unlike Pokerstars, they don't really alert you when the timer is going down (even with the 5-sec rule checked it's just not very good) and also they don't stack the windows according to the action. That's a great feature of PokerStars as well.
As mentioned above, this time I was happy taking a free card and trying to hit, but I do barrel turn some of the time too so I like your suggestion. My thought process was I didn't want to get raised and be put in a weird spot/bloat the pot with the off chance I'm already dominated.
Feel free to add/critique.
Well played by both players.