[100NL] 3bet bluff OTR

[100NL] 3bet bluff OTR

[converted_hand][hand_history]iPoker - €1 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 4 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

BB: €94.38 (94.4 bb)
CO: €150.50 (150.5 bb)
BTN: €100.00 (100 bb)
Hero (SB): €120.50 (120.5 bb)

Hero posts SB €0.50, BB posts €1.00

Pre Flop: (pot: €1.50) Hero has K K
fold, BTN raises to €2.50, Hero raises to €11.00, fold, BTN calls €8.50

Flop: (€23.00, 2 players) J 2 A
Hero bets €6.00, BTN calls €6.00

Turn: (€35.00, 2 players) 7
Hero checks, BTN checks

River: (€35.00, 2 players) T
Hero bets €8.00, BTN raises to €29.00, Hero raises to €103.50 and is all-in

Not sure about this specific combo blocking both FDs though

18 June 2024 at 02:28 PM

4 Replies

Main thing that stands out is those are pretty good odds to call his river raise, which I would swing it into the value heavy range. JT/AT being the two obvious ones. So it's just a question of if he's willing to fold those out. I'm guessing he wouldn't most of the time. The blockers you do have help some. You're mostly just folding out pure bluffs, and maybe some Ax that gets spicy. So is the risk/reward good here? Probably not.

I think if you were planning on turning your hand into a bluff, probably just XR for under a shove size gets his bluffs out, and you're getting called by the same value range so you risk less. You also occasionally get to showdown and win when it X's through also.

Does anyone advocate for check calling river or is that not something we should consider?

We still catch bluffs and we lose the minimum if villain catches lucky.

the problem with this line is that it looks exactly like KK/QQ. x/r AI OTR prob generates more FE

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Without reads, I tend to give a lot of credit to players who raise bets in position in 3-bet pots. So I'd fold to his river raise.
