50NL, AKs on a board of a different suit

50NL, AKs on a board of a different suit

MP is a standard reg, 29/26.

Can you give me some ideas about this spot?

27 June 2024 at 01:44 PM

5 Replies

Dunno i guess you couldve bet

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I would check give up like you did or Bet flop to fold hands like 55,66,77,88 no spade and give up if called...
He should also call suited hands and PP for the most part pre

Could bet very small on flop. Reason being we can't c/c with our hand so relying on getting to showdown against worse is tricky. Betting can let opponent fold hands which simply have too little equity, like low pairs no spade or A5dd type of hands.
I'm fine with either betting 10% on flop or just trying to check down.

Bet river definitely. Flop you can bet small if you want but turn im pure checking to make sure a K never folds

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Any street was good to bet
