DISGUSTING river jam
Hero (BTN): 251.6 BB
SB: 330.8 BB
BB: 253.6 BB
UTG: 205.4 BB
MP: 106.6 BB
CO: 188 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 9♣ 7♣
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, fold, BB calls 2 BB
Flop: (6.4 BB, 2 players) A♣ 7♠ T♣
BB checks, Hero bets 2 BB, BB calls 2 BB
Turn: (10.4 BB, 2 players) 7♦
BB bets 2.6 BB, Hero raises to 12 BB, BB raises to 29 BB, Hero calls 17 BB
River: (68.4 BB, 2 players) K♦
BB bets 219.6 BB and is all-in, Hero?
Looks like an easy fold to me.
Whenever i flop a massive combo draw AND a pair i generally just try to get the money in if i connect on any of my outs even 2pr…but thats just me
My thinking is just that if it connected with my cards so much than it usually wouldn’t connect with vills holding
Without reads fold imo, not gonna give my opponent respect of bluffing here.
Any reads?
No reads. Zoom table.
Villain had a stock pokerstars red-head female avatar. Jam was quick but not a snap-jam either
I can assure you there was very little snap in my response
Fold river
Not sure if turn is a raise, weak trips and non nutted fd.
Based on his avatar and just my gut feeling, this looks like a call.
A snap fold.
But what was your avatar? I assume you've read the Palomäki paper but I'll link it in case you need a refresher:

"Although competence is typically associated with masculine features [38], there are probably ways to decrease the perceived 'bluffability' of female avatars without having to swap gender—for example by having female avatars with shorter hair (or no hair), or angrier expressions" (Palomäki et al. 2016)
I've never played on Stars so to give you any realistic answer on this hand I need screenshots of both avatars
Ooo that’s brilliant
I need to read it properly tom. But here is her v me if anyone wants to try and decipher:
I am blank/black circle currently. (Ignore the green; I’ve tagged myself a fish somehow. But she won’t know that.)
I am blank/black circle currently. (Ignore the green; I’ve tagged myself a fish somehow. But she won’t know that.)
Blank black circle, really? You're capable of so much better than that
If you can upload custom avatars and therefore go max exploit you'll definitely add a few bb/100. You don't want to make someone play better, so choosing your avatar for a heads-up match against someone who under bluffs, the GTO choice is one that causes them to bluff even less
This takes more effort and skill in live poker but is definitely possible too
😀 I’ve been thinking a lot about avatar theory lately, hence the downgrade. How did I as a fish react? etc.. I think you’re right. it’s probably better to be a visual target at this point.
What do you think about adopting trojan stock image/fishatars?
Ooo that’s brilliant
I need to read it properly tom. But here is her v me if anyone wants to try and decipher:
I am blank/black circle currently. (Ignore the green; I’ve tagged myself a fish somehow. But she won’t know that.)
I tag myself as a bad reg... it’s good motivation and a reminder that I don’t know what I’m doing.
remember its a 3.2x overbet shove, anything over 1x pot shove in micros will be underbluffed imo and just greed for value, i just fold and move on
Consensus kinda mixed. Curious. Results:
[SPOIL]Hero (BTN): 251.6 BB
SB: 330.8 BB
BB: 253.6 BB
UTG: 205.4 BB
MP: 106.6 BB
CO: 188 BB
SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 9♣ 7♣
fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, fold, BB calls 2 BB
Flop: (6.4 BB, 2 players) A♣ 7♠ T♣
BB checks, Hero bets 2 BB, BB calls 2 BB
Turn: (10.4 BB, 2 players) 7♦
BB bets 2.6 BB, Hero raises to 12 BB, BB raises to 29 BB, Hero calls 17 BB
River: (68.4 BB, 2 players) K♦
BB bets 219.6 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 217.6 BB and is all-in
BB shows 8♠ 4♠ (One Pair, Sevens)
(Pre 37%, Flop 12%, Turn 0%)
Hero shows 9♣ 7♣ (Three of a Kind, Sevens)
(Pre 63%, Flop 88%, Turn 100%)
Hero wins 483.6 BB
Nice endorphin spike on this one. ^^^
5 secs left I suddenly thought: but what is she donk/raising on the turn? Pretty unlikely GS? Then she has to super merge on the river too. And if not the GS then.. ??? Super nutted stuff that didn’t trigger raise the flop (or pre)? It was all starting to feel like a massive stretch. What would a fish actually consider to be hyper value here? Can't have quads, can't have top set. We lose to a tiny amount of TT, A7, and T7. All considerable maybes.
With the benefit of hindsight I’d tentatively suggest this is probably always a call, right? 44%+ vs a nothing range. A range that does not exist. soo... free money 4 trips?
I marked another girl super passive on Sky a few years ago. Then one day I caught her making insane mega moves and playing looser than an alky on xanax.
Sudden thought: maybe they’re like us and there’s just different types?
wp billy, boul. If this is losing I'd like to know why
flop i prefer to check behind, you have sdv with lot of equity, but at same time you cant extract value by worse hands here, on the turn we need to know villain tendencie, if he is a calling station maybe your 7 isnt so good here otherwise if villain is aggro is a reraise. as played K on the river doesnt change much, can help QJ but is out of question considering his action so far, without info about opponent if you call turn you think you are ahead of his range you should call thi river.
I think this is a losing call until you have a 'random OB spew bluffs' tag on villain.
Many players have no bluffs here