Whale X/R
5 Replies
The correct answer could be call or fold ... but if you don't have any idea what he is doing I'd lean towards folding. You almost never need to call here.
If you mark people as whales for being overly aggressive then it's probably a call ... if he uses a smaller size for non nut hands then it could still be a fold.
I called and he had the straight, but I thought that it is possible that he could be doing this with hands like ATo A9o etc
yeah that's interesting we have to call only AQ+ vs this range. Tighter than our range advantage suggests.
I think expecting a whale to merge-bluff here is probably a mistake. They most likely have better than top pair/ value/FD/superdraw+ as slyless mapped out, which holds up its equity, so our value range is crippled by odds.
I hate 2p (not really). But if there's a non-mono flop where bottom 2p is mediocre it's this one. I'd need a 'total maniac/call everything' read for this which I suppose is like whale ++
Bottom 2 pair isn't that strong of a hand, and I wouldn't expect most fish to jam worse for value. Also seems like a super underbluffed board for a x/jam, so I guess it's going to depend on how often you think he's spazzing. I also would probably x back the flop because there are so many bad runouts, and to give all of his dead hands the chance to bet 2 streets.