The strange curve in my GG z2/z5

The strange curve in my GG z2/z5

I'm just new to poker struggling with GG z2/z5. I've played ~20000 hands in z2 and ~5000 hands in z5. The strange thing is that, I won about 20bb/100 in z5 (accounted by all-in ev) with nearly 0 in z2. Maybe the performances are still not converged. However, do this indicate some big bug in my strategy that can be easily exploited by beginners?

Also, I'd be very appreciated, if someone could guide me how to improve poker performance as a beginner.

(for reference: about 60% GTOW score for GTO wizard, only postflop, a very poor score;
Information given by h2n: the showdown curve is falling down steeply, while without showdown curve is wandering around the x-axis.)

(Why not play z10+? I know play z10+ is better for learning poker. However, this is restricted by my tight poker bankroll.)



07 July 2024 at 04:34 PM

11 Replies

Sorry for the title without prefix [MICRO]. However, I cannot edit this title (:

7k hands is basically nothing on the variance scale (think 100k+ for approximate idea, although a crusher will converge quicker).

Don't worry about 'escaping the micros' or needing to play higher to improve/whatever; you can learn everything at these limits and it hurts less. It's more important to try and understand the game/pot odds/EV/equity/rangs/the basics of GTO etc.

Search for stuff on 2+2.

Not sure what you mean by GTO wizard score, presumably you mean the trainer? If so, while you'll get some ideas out of it, remember that your pool is playing totally different than GTO, so you might find it more valuable to spend time going over hands that you think you f-ed up/comparing ranges and showdowns etc in your tracker replayer first.

It's good that you're looking at GTO this early, I don't want to put you off. But logic, playing lots of hands and common sense will get you to a game that can beat the micros comfortably too.

Yes high yellow means you're getting lucky EV. It will fluctuate forever and converge with green eventually and vice versa.

post the graph with red SD and non-SD winnings, that will help alot more. also stats will help too

Where can I see what the data indicate systematically?

"Information given by h2n: the showdown curve is falling down steeply, while without showdown curve is wandering around the x-axis."
Sorry for my wrong memory (:

by Ceres k

7k hands is basically nothing on the variance scale (think 100k+ for approximate idea, although a crusher will converge quicker).

Don't worry about 'escaping the micros' or needing to play higher to improve/whatever; you can learn everything at these limits and it hurts less. It's more important to try and understand the game/pot odds/EV/equity/rangs/the basics of GTO etc.

Search for stuff on 2+2.

Not sure what you mean by GTO wizard score, presumably you mean the trainer? If so, whil

Many thanks!

Start by not calling vs open raises (playing 3B/fold) in HJ,CO,BTN,SB

your vp/pfr is too high. 31/24 is playing too wide and thats a big gap aswell.
EP should be in the 15-17% for starters. your at 25%

your CC too often aswell. 3b or fold everywhere but button and bb

you cbet flop way too often then give up on turn. your double barrelling around 30% ( flopcb * turncb = 0.7*0.42 = 0.294) it should be much closer to 0.22-0.25. so thats your first postflop leak.

im not going to go into anything else because analyzing everything and giving you a list of **** wont do any good.

also look at the player with most hands in your DB and try to find leaks in his game. how can you exploit him? where are his mistakes? it doesnt matter if hes a winning player or not its about the process of learning how to identify small things so you can capitalize on them.

for example, the 200blitz pool i play in, 90% of the players are vpip- 19-23 and pfr 17-21 with most having 3b around 10%. so none of them having glaring weaknesses in their preflop game based on stats. BUT..all of them have postflop weaknesses, they all have tendencies that can be exploited. some have sizing tells, some double barrel too often, some probe turns too often vs miss cb, some have no concept of a proper x/r range, etc etc. all of these things can be exploited for profit.

Start with the glaring ones. do they have preflop leaks? IE..yourself. you RFI too often from EP,MP... CO,BU look ok, SB is a little wide but probably fine. start there, fix your preflop ranges.

Then move to flop play. You have to get that under control, if you jumped to 25 or 50nl you would have a very tough time winning at all with a 70% flop cbet. Start with COvBB single raised pot. Mentally you can extrapolate both directions without difficulty bc BB from solver pov will 3b v CO about the same as MP so its fairly accurate. if you need the ranges i will post them for you.

Do you have some way to use them? Monker,PIO,GTO+,etc?

Yeah you’re pretty loose. RFI EPs less and CC less in general. I don’t think having CC ranges is bad but you’re just doing it too much. Should be easy to dial back. Usually you would like to have a fish in the hand to CC (not BB)

★ Recommended Post
by thegibson k

your vp/pfr is too high. 31/24 is playing too wide and thats a big gap aswell.
EP should be in the 15-17% for starters. your at 25%

your CC too often aswell. 3b or fold everywhere but button and bb

you cbet flop way too often then give up on turn. your double barrelling around 30% ( flopcb * turncb = 0.7*0.42 = 0.294) it should be much closer to 0.22-0.25. so thats your first postflop leak.

im not going to go into anything else because analyzing everything and giving you a list of **** wont do any

Very thanks!

I will try to fix from preflop by removing much marginal hands (I overplay connector suited mainly QAQ).

I start learning to use softwares like H2N. Thanks for your software advice.

When it comes to postflop, maybe the ranges help alot. Very appreciate!
