[Micro] Zoom 5NL 20k hands in 80k more. (From a Live Player Perspective)

[Micro] Zoom 5NL 20k hands in 80k more. (From a Live Player Perspective)

"Hey everyone! 👋 I'm new to pokerforums and posting. I've been focusing on range memorization and adapting to different spots in Zoom. It's been a great way to get reps in and build my foundation. 📚

The games have been pretty wild! 🤪 Some players are super tight, while others are just blasting off their stacks. 💥 I've noticed a lot of 5x openings and weak blinds, which I've been taking advantage of. 😉

I'm trying to learn more about playing from the blinds, especially against those crazy SB opens. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! 🙏

I'm doing really well so far, but I know the jump to $25NL will be a challenge. 📈 Any advice for when I reach that point?

Thanks in advance for any feedback! 🙌"

I'm not going to post results because they simply don't matter. I'm doing amazing considering the circumstances and getting better each day.

20 July 2024 at 02:12 AM

1 Reply

★ Recommended Post

Hello there!
I'm happy to see you here on the forum, and I'm so pleased for your success!

Blinds play is one of those rather complicated parts of poker that players spend a lot of time and effort on throughout their journey.
When you're just starting, it's probably best to start with something that can save you a lot of money - learning how to defend your big blind well!

I think this little video is going to help you to understand a little bit about defending against different open raise sizes:

Feel free to post your hands It's also a good way to understand this complex game😉

Good luck!
