4BP ; check-raise flop, turn bluff spot

4BP ; check-raise flop, turn bluff spot

Hi guys! No relevant info on villain.

[converted_hand][hand_history]iPoker - €0.20 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

Hero (SB): €36.85 (184.3 bb)
BB: €22.18 (110.9 bb)
UTG: €25.71 (128.6 bb)
CO: €11.34 (56.7 bb)
BTN: €24.00 (120 bb)

Hero posts SB €0.10, BB posts €0.20

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.30) Hero has Q A
2 folds, BTN raises to €0.50, Hero raises to €2.00, fold, BTN raises to €4.90, Hero calls €2.90

Flop: (€10.00, 2 players) 5 K 2
Hero checks, BTN bets €2.50, Hero raises to €5.77, BTN calls €3.27

Turn: (€21.54, 2 players) 4
Hero bets €26.18

Solver doesn't mind the flop raise, but doesn't like the turn shove. It's basically giving up at this point. In my mind though it's blocking a lot of calls (AA, QQ, AK, KQ, flush draws). What do you think?

24 July 2024 at 07:06 PM

10 Replies

What about 5bet allin bluff?

by BlackCisma k

What about 5bet allin bluff?

So I guess my take on AQ is that, since roughly half the flops are either A, K or Q high, that A or Q high flops basically gives us the nuts in 4-bet pots, and that K high boards gives us very nice blocker properties, it's a hand that's good to play as call when facing 4-bet. Plus, it kind of blocks hands that will always fold against jam (i.e offsuit broadways like KQ and QJ), right?

I don't mind folding preflop AQo at these limits where opponents don't 4-bet enough.

The opponent has about €13 left on the turn and we are unlikely to get enough fold equity with such pot odds. So I agreed with the solver's check/fold.

by SrMcBet k

Hi guys! No relevant info on villain.

[converted_hand][hand_history]iPoker - €0.20 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3

Hero (SB): €36.85 (184.3 bb)
BB: €22.18 (110.9 bb)
UTG: €25.71 (128.6 bb)
CO: €11.34 (56.7 bb)
BTN: €24.00 (120 bb)

Hero posts SB €0.10, BB posts €0.20

Pre Flop: (pot: €0.30) Hero has Q A
2 folds, BTN raises to €0.50, Hero raises to €2.00, fold, BTN raises to €4.90, Hero calls €2.90

Flop: (€10.00, 2 players) 5 K 2
Hero checks, BTN bets €2.50,

What better hands are folding? Can't think of one.

by AskZandar k

What better hands are folding? Can't think of one.

Fair point! My solution has some JJ-99 folding, but I'm not sure how it translates into reality. Isn't equity denial quite a big deal at this SPR, though? Even if I get rid of JJ-99, villain's folding range has around 25% equity.

by SrMcBet k

Fair point! My solution has some JJ-99 folding, but I'm not sure how it translates into reality. Isn't equity denial quite a big deal at this SPR, though? Even if I get rid of JJ-99, villain's folding range has around 25% equity.

Most people won't have 99-JJ preflop much at all. Some will never have it. Even when it gets 4b, it might not play the flop this way, so it's really hard for those hands to exist here on the turn.

Its a fold or shove in bluff pre

by BlackCisma k

What about 5bet allin bluff?

Probably a bad idea

fold pre without relevant info on villain to assume we can play otherwise. population 4B is well below that of solver so whatever solver says doesnt mean jack unless your using monker and have node locked this spot.

★ Recommended Post
by BlackCisma k

What about 5bet allin bluff?


Why are you flatting 4bet OOP but happy to XR Khigh flop?

Either they 4bet enough to jam or they don't. Playing OOP with A high I 4bet pot doesn't end well. Pairing your Q is suicide vs AA KK, and AK beats you on every occasion you don't pair the Q.

Your range is also very capped when you flat:

JJ, TT (maybe some QQ).

Even if you flat KQ, your range has barely any Kx's and if you did have Kx you wouldn't play this way for value.

A slow-played AA or KK are the only XR hands that make sense.

If you have the goods:

Personally in low SPR, I'm going to let my opponent bet off their stack. A river shove will also look more bluffy.

My point is, I don't think this is a good play with AQ
