When should you get coaching?

When should you get coaching?

I didn't want to ask this in the coaching section cause I'm sure I'd get a bunch of coaches just saying get coaching now.

But I have been playing poker for a while. I reckon I can beat 5nl, when I move up to 10nl I'll need to study more with videos and books

But I'm wondering at what stage do you guys get coaching? When is the stage where you just need a pro to look at your hands and tell you where you're going wrong


27 July 2024 at 12:16 PM

3 Replies

If you are playing micro stakes, you are unlikely to be able to afford any good coaching. There is so much video content out there. I'd rather learn from video content from a good player than get 1on1 coaching by some 100nl player.

IMO the optimal way is to just make it on your own until nl200/500, and then if you get stuck reach out to some HSNL players

Altho, if U have a 100k+ hands, perhaps you could pay some MDA/database guy $200 or so. That's prolly really good EV and not really something you can get from just watching videos

As Ryan said, there is a lot of free content available and a lot of content you can also purchase/subscribe to for relatively cheap. A runitonce essential subscription is pretty good bang for your buck and upswing is likely similar.

Getting coaching really depends on what your goals are and how much you value your time. As Ryan said, you can likely figure out a lot on your own with free/cheap resources up until around low to mid stakes... more true if you also table select as well, but getting to that point is going to require a lot of time input on your end. A coach is really just there to help you save yourself a lot of time. Doing it on your own takes a long time because there is a lot of information out there and not all of it is correct or useful. Even getting a baseline idea of where to go to find information, network, or what software to use can really save you quite a lot of time and headaches.

★ Recommended Post
by RyanWCollins k

If you are playing micro stakes, you are unlikely to be able to afford any good coaching. There is so much video content out there. I'd rather learn from video content from a good player than get 1on1 coaching by some 100nl player.

IMO the optimal way is to just make it on your own until nl200/500, and then if you get stuck reach out to some HSNL players

Altho, if U have a 100k+ hands, perhaps you could pay some MDA/database guy $200 or so. That's prolly really good EV and not really something you

That's good advice. I'll probably plug away at the free content for now till I can grind up my pokerstars account. I can afford coaching, but I want all poker expenses to come from my winnings, so I can't afford **** yet. I'll probably join a discord/discussion group and get a study buddy or something eventually. Thanks for the tips
