when you hate picking up equity

when you hate picking up equity

Ignition - $0.25 NL - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

CO: 586.6 BB
BTN: 100 BB
Hero (SB): 97.6 BB
BB: 321.32 BB
UTG: 127.2 BB
UTG+1: 100 BB
MP: 123.32 BB
MP+1: 102.72 BB

Hero posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has 9 T

fold, fold, fold, MP+1 raises to 3 BB, fold, fold, Hero calls 2.6 BB, BB raises to 12 BB, fold, Hero calls 9 BB

Flop: (27 BB, 2 players) 2 2 9
Hero checks, BB bets 25.68 BB, Hero calls 25.68 BB

Turn: (78.36 BB, 2 players) A
Hero checks, BB jams ~60.11 BB, Hero?

Notes: yes yes fold pre in SB and (maybe?) fold to 3!. reason I called is because Villian is splashy. But, as played, how do we feel about post-flop? I feel we just aren't allowed to fold flop PSB even though we're starting to hate life rn. turn feels like a sigh call, yeah?

29 July 2024 at 05:08 AM

7 Replies

PF - AP probably fold to 3 bet, but why are you flatting from SB? Either 3 bet or fold from that position is standard.

Turn - you need about 30% equity to make a call. You have at most 14 outs and most of those are likely not clean. For example a non-club ten is no good if villain has Ax or 99-KK. Realistically we probably shouldn’t even count those 3, but 14 outs puts you right on the borderline. I don’t think villain is bluff jamming often enough to give you 30% equity with only 11 realistic outs (and even these aren’t all clean - villain could have AA or higher clubs). Seems like a fold to me

by ringring088 k

But, as played...

This is bad logic to post a hand. If you f-ed up preflop with an impossible range any postflop advice is borderline useless.

Like how splashy is villain? Like squeezing K6o here splashy? Because I think v would have to be pretty aggro and/or spewy to justify the preflop line

And if v is that aggro/spewy pre and is gonna bet the flop often with air, then flop is pretty much a mandatory shove

why aren’t u allowed to fold against PSB? u don’t beat value and you’re not deep enough to be mining for the BD flush. anyways, fold pre[emoji23]

just because no one has said it yet... 3bet pre

thanks all. in response to a few of the above posts: yes, realized im calling this spot pre way too wide (think 80-90% fold pre, other 10-20% mix call / 3!). also, Villian was p splashy— hero called AQ on Jd10d2s10c in a 4! pot and he showed up with Kd6d (as they caller), so I don't mind deviating a bit here for ez stacks

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EDIT: actually Idk I could be wrong about this spot
