Unsure of Turn Action and River Fold

Unsure of Turn Action and River Fold

Playing 5 cent/ 10 cent online.

Villian in CO and Hero in BU both have 100 BB and Hero is dealt Ac Js.

Preflop: CO raises to 30 cents, hero calls. Both blinds fold.

Flop (75 cents): 4h Tc Jh.

CO bets 30 cents. Hero raises to 60 cents. CO Calls.

Turn (1.95) (4h Tc Jh) [Qh]

CO Checks. Hero Checks.

River (1.95) (4h Tc Jh Qh) [3d]

CO bets 1.80. Hero folds

I am looking for any feedback regarding the turn check and the river fold. I decided to check the turn as it completes the heart flush and improves QQ, and QJ, 89 and Q9 and completes the flush draws which would have probably called a flop bet, but at the same time, it caps my range and may have led to villian deciding to bluff on the river. Thanks!

31 July 2024 at 08:59 PM

2 Replies

by abcabcabcabcabcabc k

I am looking for any feedback regarding the turn check and the river fold.

I think more important and bigger mistakes are AJo being 3B/Fold preflop more so against 3x rfi and OTF your small 2x raise, should be atleast 3x on this wet flop.

Turn and River is correct imo after making mistakes Preflop and Flop.

★ Recommended Post

3bet pre

If you're playing in a zero-rake preflop pool then it might be ok. But that's unstated and unlikely. So 3bet. Check out gtow preflop sims and compare ranges for different rake structures.

Even if it was a call we should still tend to 3b @ micros. Villains will overcall, overfold and make a billion mistakes postflop that are all magnified when we are in position, and increase pot size and lower spr. It's also much eaiser to play. So 3bet. Cbet most boards.
