sb vs bb kh8d
SB: §1.35 (34 bb)
BB (Hero): §5.22 (131 bb)
Pre-Flop: (§0.06) Hero is BB with 8♦ K♥
SB raises to §0.08, Hero calls §0.04
Flop: (§0.16) 3♥ Q♦ T♦ (2 players)
Hero checks, SB bets §0.04, Hero calls §0.04
Turn: (§0.24) 9♦ (2 players)
Hero checks, SB bets §0.16, Hero calls §0.16
River: (§0.56) 2♣ (2 players)
Hero checks, SB bets §0.37, BB (Hero) folds
Is calling turn ok here with low SPR? They were limping a lot so putting them on quite high range pf. game has no rake.
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HU not my specialty but turn looks like a fold for sure.