so anyway i started blasting (bluff line check)
operation positive red line is going well, couple bluffs which im not sure if are total spews or not for yall
PokerStars - €0.02 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 28.5 BB
SB: 92 BB
BB: 308.5 BB
UTG: 210 BB
MP: 445 BB
Hero (CO): 201.5 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has J♦ A♦
UTG raises to 3 BB, fold, Hero raises to 9 BB, fold, fold, fold, UTG calls 6 BB
Flop: (19.5 BB, 2 players) 9♠ 3♥ 7♣
UTG checks, Hero bets 10 BB, UTG calls 10 BB
Turn: (39.5 BB, 2 players) 4♦
UTG checks, Hero bets 20.5 BB, UTG calls 20.5 BB
River: (80.5 BB, 2 players) 5♦
UTG checks, Hero bets 162 BB and is all-in
, fold
Hero wins 76.5 BB
dude is a 2nl reg, 18bb/100 over 1k+ hands recorded. fold to river bet was at 78. i thought hed be capable of folding value so i went for it.
PokerStars - €0.02 NL FAST (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 112 BB
SB: 100 BB
Hero (BB): 185 BB
UTG: 91 BB
MP: 100 BB
CO: 75.5 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has T♠ 8♠
fold, fold, fold, BTN raises to 3 BB, fold, Hero calls 2 BB
Flop: (6.5 BB, 2 players) 7♥ 9♦ 4♥
Hero checks, BTN bets 3.5 BB, Hero raises to 10.5 BB, BTN calls 7 BB
Turn: (27.5 BB, 2 players) 5♠
Hero bets 20 BB, BTN calls 20 BB
River: (67.5 BB, 2 players) 2♠
Hero bets 151.5 BB and is all-in
Hero wins 64 BB
not many hands on this guy but after 132 hands hed cbet 10/10 times and had an afq of 72 which in retrospect means absolutely nothing but it is what it is. he has so many missed fds hed fold, probably dont have to bet so big to get him to fold them maybe something closer to 75% pot would be more appropiate.
thanks in advance!
What if I told you the biggers winners at 2nl have losing red lines?
I'm still a beginner and I don't play this aggressive , perhaps I can go for the turn barrel I think with same bet size of approx 50% pot. I have position advantage so I have abit more control of the action than villain and I think this board being very difficult to connect to means my turn bet is high EV. a good board texture for me to be aggressive . I can be rewarded due to his high fold equity stats. maybe massively high EV spot for me to bet river and be aggressive against this player type. ( I'm back to post to edit in that I've only looked at first hand so far)
I'm still a beginner and I don't play this aggressive , perhaps I can go for the turn barrel I think with same bet size of approx 50% pot. I have position advantage so I have abit more control of the action than villain and I think this board being very difficult to connect to means my turn bet is high EV. a good board texture for me to be aggressive . I can be rewarded due to his high fold equity stats. maybe massively high EV spot for me to bet river and be aggressive against this player type
appreciate the feedback mate much appreciated! yeah i think being aggro with air is the best move here. put his QQ JJ 1010 in weird spots. pretty sure his AQ folds turn. would not be doing this against someoneone whos snapping with 1010. my range has all the AA/KK his only trap is gonna be 99 and mayyyyyyyyyybe 77 so yolo
I'm still a beginner and I don't play this aggressive , perhaps I can go for the turn barrel I think with same bet size of approx 50% pot. I have position advantage so I have abit more control of the action than villain and I think this board being very difficult to connect to means my turn bet is high EV. a good board texture for me to be aggressive . I can be rewarded due to his high fold equity stats. maybe massively high EV spot for me to bet river and be aggressive against this player type
I think it's hard really to say whether hand 1 is good or bad without knowing what you're doing with the rest of your range. Do you 3bet AJo too and do you barrel that? How do you play AKo/Aks, AQ? ATs? Do you 3bet suited connectors and do you barrel them? If you're not careful it's quite easy to be way overbluffing in this spot.
You don’t have any value hands that want to jam H1, especially after the turn bet size. Your best hand is KK or maybe AA and jamming them probably isn’t good.
If you think he almost always folds everything to a jam, then I guess it’s whatever, but you also win showdown a small % when he has whiffed draws.
I think it's hard really to say whether hand 1 is good or bad without knowing what you're doing with the rest of your range. Do you 3bet AJo too and do you barrel that? How do you play AKo/Aks, AQ? ATs? Do you 3bet suited connectors and do you barrel them? If you're not careful it's quite easy to be way overbluffing in this spot.
AJo id fold pre. AK id be range betting then most likely shutting down. ATs probably double barrel them then sigh shove because aint no way im winning at showdown lol. KQs probably barrel to get his Ax out then evaluate river, probably bluff aswell blocking QQ, just puts JJ and 1010 in a shitty spot. i would be 3betting no suited connectors at all in co vs utg. defo be overbluffing vs this player just because hes overfolding rivers. if its someone thats never folding 1010 then id never be taking this line (probably) (i do enjoy a spew sometimes hehe)
You don’t have any value hands that want to jam H1, especially after the turn bet size. Your best hand is KK or maybe AA and jamming them probably isn’t good.
If you think he almost always folds everything to a jam, then I guess it’s whatever, but you also win showdown a small % when he has whiffed draws.
oooo interesting. assumed AA/KK jam would be fine just because his range is so overpair heavy imo.
what draws? dont really see any draws but i am a 2nl player lmao probably missing something insanely obvious rn. yeah i think he'll almost always fold, a lot of the good regs (can you call us good regs at 2nl idk) overfold like helllllllllllll just because people have such little bluffs overfolding seems to be a winning strategy so i been trying to pounce on that recently
oooo interesting. assumed AA/KK jam would be fine just because his range is so overpair heavy imo.
what draws? dont really see any draws but i am a 2nl player lmao probably missing something insanely obvious rn. yeah i think he'll almost always fold, a lot of the good regs (can you call us good regs at 2nl idk) overfold like helllllllllllll just because people have such little bluffs overfolding seems to be a winning strategy so i been trying to pounce on that recently
I was looking the 2nd hand for the draws, so I guess that isn't too relevant unless he has T8s, JTs, and maybe 65s. Not supposed to put more than 1 HH in a thread.
People can show up with almost every set and easily have 66 here at some frequency, and you never have 99/77/6x, so you can't really jam unless you're playing a whale who will never fold a pair. Even then 1/2-1/2-2x jam doesn't make sense for your best hands because they want more money in on the turn.
I think it's hard really to say whether hand 1 is good or bad without knowing what you're doing with the rest of your range. Do you 3bet AJo too and do you barrel that? How do you play AKo/Aks, AQ? ATs? Do you 3bet suited connectors and do you barrel them? If you're not careful it's quite easy to be way overbluffing in this spot.
More important imo is the question is the pool overfolding here or not. Just barrel aggro get experience on how loose they call down in general. If you see frequently very fast calls with the region that you try to fold out start underbluffing and try other lines.
As long the pool is not super small and villain cant have indept reads or alot of stats on us trying to think about our range will be not the most efficent way to make money.
But ofcurse just knownig what your baseline strat is so from where you deviate is nice and makes you overall more solid.
More important imo is the question is the pool overfolding here or not. Just barrel aggro get experience on how loose they call down in general. If you see frequently very fast calls with the region that you try to fold out start underbluffing and try other lines.
As long the pool is not super small and villain cant have indept reads or alot of stats on us trying to think about our range will be not the most efficent way to make money.
But ofcurse just knownig what your baseline strat is so from
Yeah that's true I'm just thinking in terms of OP wants to know whether his bluffs are solid strategically before moving up and trying them there. If he's barreling too much that becomes incredibly easy to play against when he's repping so thin otr. But you're right, experimenting is also good, though what people do at 2nl is not necessarily indicative of what they do further up obviously.
I was looking the 2nd hand for the draws, so I guess that isn't too relevant unless he has T8s, JTs, and maybe 65s. Not supposed to put more than 1 HH in a thread.
People can show up with almost every set and easily have 66 here at some frequency, and you never have 99/77/6x, so you can't really jam unless you're playing a whale who will never fold a pair. Even then 1/2-1/2-2x jam doesn't make sense for your best hands because they want more money in on the turn.
rightttt ok my bad noted!
yeah im defo getting snapped off with sets and straights sometimetimes. should i ever have any bluffs here? if so what sizing is better?
More important imo is the question is the pool overfolding here or not. Just barrel aggro get experience on how loose they call down in general. If you see frequently very fast calls with the region that you try to fold out start underbluffing and try other lines.
As long the pool is not super small and villain cant have indept reads or alot of stats on us trying to think about our range will be not the most efficent way to make money.
But ofcurse just knownig what your baseline strat is so from
overfolding in this specific spot no idea, overfolding in general yes. ofc you have some mega stations thatll call you down with the most outrageous hands so they get tagged pretty quickly, but this specific player is 100% overfolding in general imo. my start for most hands at 2nl have been very passive, very vvvvvvvvvvverrry rarely bluffing and overfolding. been working ok at 2nl but not going to be a great strategy moving up so ive been trying to work more on thinking about ranges and adding some bluffs to my range, been working amazing so far just sharpen some tools and then move up next month. appreciate the feedback!
I think it's actually a spot where betting a normal amount otr is probably better. like 75% pot. We're repping a wider value range then and still put a lot of pressure on TT-JJ, 9x and save money the times he stations us or has a 6.
rightttt ok my bad noted!
yeah im defo getting snapped off with sets and straights sometimetimes. should i ever have any bluffs here? if so what sizing is better?
overfolding in this specific spot no idea, overfolding in general yes. ofc you have some mega stations thatll call you down with the most outrageous hands so they get tagged pretty quickly, but this specific player is 100% overfolding in general imo. my start for most hands at 2nl have been very passive, very vvvvvvvvvvverrry rarely blu
idk I probably wouldn't bluff this spot too often, but I guess would use whatever size I value bet w/ KK/AA.
Three street bluffs isn't really necessary to win at 2NL. You valuebet them to death or call their stupid bluffs down.
I would just dump the 3 street bluffing from my strategy.
First hand.
Preflop call unless you have a read that he raises wild.
Flop as played
You make a stab at flop but then you give up. Or you don't stab and just give up.
You have a low flop that makes them think AK and you have AJ. The same thing.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
and Database SoftwareNL Holdem 0.02(BB)
HJ ($3.13) [VPIP: 27.3% | PFR: 18.2% | AGG: 25% | Hands: 34]
CO ($1.37) [VPIP: 12% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 26]
BTN ($2.82) [VPIP: 32.1% | PFR: 22% | AGG: 23.7% | Flop Agg: 40.7% | Turn Agg: 11.1% | River Agg: 7.1% | 3Bet: 2.8% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 115]
SB ($2.82) [VPIP: 30.6% | PFR: 16.7% | AGG: 41.2% | Flop Agg: 42.9% | Turn Agg: 40% | River Agg: 40% | 3Bet: 10% | 4Bet: 0% | Cold Call: 25% | Hands: 36]
HERO ($2.50) [VPIP: 23.9% | PFR: 19.4% | AGG: 36.8% | Flop Agg: 40.2% | Turn Agg: 39.3% | River Agg: 30.8% | 3Bet: 6.9% | 4Bet: 6.1% | Cold Call: 11.3% | Hands: 10307]
UTG ($0.39) [VPIP: 50% | PFR: 7.1% | AGG: 38.5% | Hands: 15]
Dealt to Hero: 6♣ 8♣
UTG Folds, HJ Folds, CO Folds, BTN Raises To $0.06, SB Calls $0.05, HERO Calls $0.04
Hero SPR on Flop: [13.56 effective]
Flop ($0.18): K♣ 3♠ 7♠
SB Checks, HERO Checks, BTN Bets $0.13 (Rem. Stack: $2.63), SB Folds, HERO Raises To $0.46 (Rem. Stack: $1.98), BTN Calls $0.33 (Rem. Stack: $2.30)
Turn ($1.10): K♣ 3♠ 7♠ 5♥
HERO Bets $0.74 (Rem. Stack: $1.24), BTN Calls $0.74 (Rem. Stack: $1.56)
River ($2.58): K♣ 3♠ 7♠ 5♥ Q♥
HERO Bets $1.24 (allin), BTN Calls $1.24 (Rem. Stack: $0.32)
BTN shows: J♣ K♥
BTN wins: $4.81
Bluffing at 2nl is the pits.
(Yes my turn sizing is too big)
2nd hand I love. Against somebody who is c-betting too often this board good for us and we can apply pressure. Barrelling high equity OOP OTT is definitely good too. River we unblock the FD and a lot of our other turn barrels will be FDs which now have to give up so excellent line 10/10
1st hand I'm inclined to check back flop as we never get better to fold. That is the 3 AQs we unblock will call. If we do c-bet at some frequency though I like the turn barrell given we unblock all the folds when we have opposite suit to flops ( we unblock all the AQ/AJs. And maybe some JTs) . OTR it's very unclear to me whether this is a good candidate to jam this deep. My intuition is no given that's its getting very thin to jam OPs
I like runout is good for you hand selection is ok and most regs wont bluff enough in this spot.
In H1 runout is not that good for you hand selection is kind random and putting 160bb in spot where you are not sure is bad for your mental game too. If you win you feel good, if you lose you feel like an idiot.
Hand History driven straight to this forum with DriveHUD 2
and Database SoftwareNL Holdem 0.02(BB)
HJ ($3.13) [VPIP: 27.3% | PFR: 18.2% | AGG: 25% | Hands: 34]
CO ($1.37) [VPIP: 12% | PFR: 0% | AGG: 0% | Hands: 26]
BTN ($2.82) [VPIP: 32.1% | PFR: 22% | AGG: 23.7% | Flop Agg: 40.7% | Turn Agg: 11.1% | River Agg: 7.1% | 3Bet: 2.8% | 4Bet: 0% | Hands: 115]
SB ($2.82)
Don’t spew with random nonsense hands that should have been folded immediately.