Why nosebleed stake winner open so wide ?

Why nosebleed stake winner open so wide ?

I accidental check the basic static of nosebleed crusher, but the basis data blow my mind

The player is ranked by most winning in last 365 day (blue area), yellow area is all time statics, VPIP & PFR are way wilder than I expect

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13 August 2024 at 07:30 AM

10 Replies

This is probably because they often play HU and not full tables.

by slyless k

This is probably because they often play HU and not full tables.

Not really, below is the data of Linus, SH have 33 VPIP

Need to get in hands vs massive whale, worst regs

by DeeKayBee k

Need to get in hands vs massive whale, worst regs

GTO in low stakes won't work much because player have too much leaks, exploit is better. But now seems exploit also works better in nosebleed.
Is only mid stakes players tryin to play GTO in or nobody ever play GTO at all ?

Also they could be playing a lot of 3-handed, 4-handed poker

damn, from talking about monies and cheeseburglars to winning 2.6m dollars in 44k hands in 10 years. what a ****ing legend.

also id assume its because theyll be playing short handed a lot, dont think theres gonna be a massive queue for nosebleeds at the best of times let alone when the top regs are playing

by tiltplay k

Not really, below is the data of Linus, SH have 33 VPIP

That's still a lot of 3-5 handed

Linus does play very low PFR though, something like 25/16 in 6-max

They run hot, in that case you can open anthing.

It's well known that when you start making $1m+ you spend all your money on crack and open 3% wider UTG

by polarboiboi k

damn, from talking about monies and cheeseburglars to winning 2.6m dollars in 44k hands in 10 years. what a ****ing legend.

also id assume its because theyll be playing short handed a lot, dont think theres gonna be a massive queue for nosebleeds at the best of times let alone when the top regs are playing

Yeah, short hand would be the answer. Also 2.6m in 1 year (44k hands), and this is one of his account I suppose
