Looking for feedback on my HUD

Looking for feedback on my HUD

Hi guys, just looking for some feedback on my new HUD, is there anything missing/unnecessary there? Here it is:

The stats included are as follows:

Top row: VPIP/PFR/Aggression/Steal/Fold blind to steal
2nd row: 3bet%/Fold to 3bet%/4bet%/Fold to 4bet%/Auto-generated player notes
3rd row: Went to showdown%/Won Showdown%/Won when saw flop%/Player name/Number of hands vs player
4th row: Cbet flop/turn/river. Cbet Out of position flop/turn/river
5th row: Fold to donk/turn probe/river probe. Fold to float when checking out of position on flop/turn/river
6th row: Fold to check-raise on flop/turn/river. Fold to raise after betting out of position on flop/turn/river.
7th row: Fold to cbet on flop/turn/river. Fold to cbet when in position on flop/turn/river.
8th row: Donk flop/probe turn/probe river. Float bet when checked to when in position on flop/turn/river.
9th row: Check-raise flop/turn/river. Raise when facing a bet in position on flop/turn/river.

Also note that this is a regular opponent of mine in a closed group of about 200 players in small buy-in private full ring tournaments online. If anyone has any thoughts about how I should play against this specific villain, I'd be interested in hearing those as well.


01 September 2024 at 08:04 PM

23 Replies


Any takers?

I think you have too many stats in general and a lot of them are not going to be useful because they take too long to converge. You want to be using stats just to give you a general idea of how someone is playing postflop but I don't think you can get too specific with it, that's what notes are for. WWSF and aggression % in conjunction with VPIP are enough to give you an idea whether someone is taking lots of stabs, betting a merged range, bluffing etc. You should have most of these stats in pop ups imo.

If they have a high vpip and a high WWSF/aggression % you know they are betting lots of things outside of TP+. Then once you see them play hands, like for example you see them bet 3 streets 1/3 pot with 2nd pair you know that they're not exactly always bluffing, they just bet a very merged range and you can adjust to that in the appropriate way. Or if you see them barrel with air, make a note what they had and the board etc.

One set of stats that are useful that you don't have are stats to show how they defend their blinds vs steal attempts. So, sb raise vs steal, sb call vs steal, sb fold vs steal and bb raise vs steal etc etc. That will look somethign like this:

Red is raise, green is call, yellow is fold

You might consider trimming the main panel on the table down and building a cleaner popup for more detailed info. I don’t think you’re using too many though, I use about 50 stats for my main panel and then the popups cover anything else. I’m not sure if you filtered the in position/oop stuff or if you are typo.

The HUD u have is a good start but can improve it I think.

I would suggest learning the layout of the stats and remove any text from the main panel. It is just ugly and clunky you end up reading like a short story instead of simply noticing the stats you want to check.

I am not a huge fan of dynamic color schemes either, becomes very distracting. You should have groups of stats that can follow a common color for similar action like PF 3bet/4bet are one color and fold2 is slightly lighter shade or something. Then cbet can be a different group color. Maybe green for pre, yellow for cbet, blue for stabs, red for vpip. If you want to add signals, one color shift I find is plenty so example is fold to flop cbet oop -> add color range for 50-100=white so after the value breaks 50 it will auto highlight. Drawing your attention but not too flashy

I’m not gonna lay out my HUD but I think you have some stats that are on your panel but better off in a popup and also main panel is then missing some key stats but it’s ultimately personal preference

I do think you can drop wtsd, w$sd, and wwsf. There are far better stats to use than these. Also agg% or factors can be meh imo, they are all just very generic

Learn how to use the popup and then design one that you like. That's just a ridiculous hud taking up way too much space.

by andymc1 k

I think you have too many stats in general and a lot of them are not going to be useful because they take too long to converge. You want to be using stats just to give you a general idea of how someone is playing postflop but I don't think you can get too specific with it, that's what notes are for. WWSF and aggression % in conjunction with VPIP are enough to give you an idea whether someone is taking lots of stabs, betting a merged range, bluffing etc. You should have most of these stats in pop

Thanks yes I have been using this HUD for a few years and you're right that it takes a long time and a massive sample in order to get reliable river stats, so perhaps they are superfluous. But most of the other stuff I find to be very useful, especially for flop and turn play.

I do also take detailed notes on players. This is a closed player pool of perhaps 200 players so it's very useful to record how they play.

I do have steal and fold to steal stats included in my HUD.

by swerbs22 k

You might consider trimming the main panel on the table down and building a cleaner popup for more detailed info. I don’t think you’re using too many though, I use about 50 stats for my main panel and then the popups cover anything else. I’m not sure if you filtered the in position/oop stuff or if you are typo.

The HUD u have is a good start but can improve it I think.

I would suggest learning the layout of the stats and remove any text from the main panel. It is just ugly and clunky you end up

Thanks for the input.

Do you have any stats on your main panel that are not included in my HUD?

I do use popups but they are to view the same stats except from different positions and to move between stats for single-raised and 3bet pots (see post below).

Honestly I think it would be too tricky to remember the various rows of stats without having the reminder text there. Of course I need there to be no uncertainty when I'm playing.

I like the color coding as it brings attention to leaks quickly, and I have a setup similar to the one you mentioned. Red is when a stat is too high %, green is solid, and white is too low %.

What are the better stats to use than wtsd, w$sd, and wwsf?

by Betraisefold22 k

Learn how to use the popup and then design one that you like. That's just a ridiculous hud taking up way too much space.

My HUD does also include a popup that enables rotating between how villain plays in each position, and also to switch between stats for single-raised and 3bet pots. But admittedly I don't use the pop-up section too often; the most pertinent information is all in the main HUD:

Delete all the letters they are just taking up space

by Haizemberg93 k

Delete all the letters they are just taking up space

Thanks for the feedback but I'm used to the letters being there and fine with them. I was more hoping people might point out any useful stats I could add that are not currently there.

by Telemakus k

Thanks for the input.

Do you have any stats on your main panel that are not included in my HUD?

I do use popups but they are to view the same stats except from different positions and to move between stats for single-raised and 3bet pots (see post below).

Honestly I think it would be too tricky to remember the various rows of stats without having the reminder text there. Of course I need there to be no uncertainty when I'm playing.

I like the color coding as it brings attention to leaks quickly, and

Hmmm. I do have Cold Call I guess. I think the stats are good but unorganized. Also I would check to make sure you know exactly what is being captured for some of those. I'm not sure if PT4 will segregate HU and MW pots and/or SRP/3b/4b for some stats, you might have to do do it yourself for example. IMO 3 color code is for sure overkill. You should have a general idea of a neutral value for probably any stat you are using. WTSD, W$SD, WWSF aren't bad stats, they are just generic. If you are going to use 50+ stats in a main panel, might as well go through the trouble of having well-defined lines and points you want to see that will offer clarity. An example could be a player with 27 WTSD or even more extreme maybe 24 WTSD. Using this stat alone you might assume this player overfold and is pushover (which may be the case). You'll also find players that have low WTSD because they are attacking and defending very aggressively and in the nature of that-> not seeing showdowns by forcing more folds. Well if we are going to need more info anyway than those 3 stats, then why not just use a number of lines or points that will illustrate the players tendencies more clearly? After all you are prepared to use a massive panel. Not to mention those 3 stats can take upwards of 10k hands to become reliable. I do use the stats but not as a main decision driver.

You say you need certainty after saying you haven't memorized it? If you don't know your HUD layout then it's probably a very good idea to put some work into organizing and memorizing it. This is where it helps to toss some of those points that are going to take forever to show a decent sample for into a popup (and also learn your pop up so you can navigate it quickly). HUDs should make our decisions and play smoother and easier, I don't see why we would want to be losing precious table time to learn our set up every hand. The letters to refer to anything are a crutch. Not everyone has to play with HUD this way, I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong but if we are talking about efficiency and improvement then it's easy to see the mental energy that can be allocated to another area of the game. This also feeds back into the color coding. What do you think will pop out more. A even distribution of various colors across the panel, OR, a single green color for every stat panel that only highlights one color (white)? Which stat value are you going to immediately pick out is out of place? Disco ball HUDs are flashy but unnecessary. The attention it takes to decipher that mess I think outweighs the investment. After all, most HUD stats are probably best used as signals.

Learning Padding or alignment of the cells/values might do you some good as well. I find it's rather annoying to not have any habit of putting my eyes somewhere on the main panel because the size of the points or missing/additional points are there and it moves all the stats slightly around. If you need more freedom with space on the table and don't want to conceal important info you can break the main panel into sub panels that you can position each one. I use 4 panels (main panel) and I kind of wrap it all around each players cards/stack instead of one giant obnoxious box.

Your pop up is pretty lackluster, there's a bunch you can find online to see how in depth they can be. Also the standard PT4 popups seem pretty comprehensive and it's easy to copy paste them into your own set up as well if you don't want to build your own. It pays off to learn the layout of these tools. Not only does it help on the tables but off table analysis also becomes more streamlined and efficient. FWIW I would rather have the Upswing HUD that Fee's shared where the main panel is only like 3 stats (I don't remember exactly). Something like Hands played, BTN-foldvsCOopen, and Blinds fold vs steal. And then he had a simple but useful popup that was a few stats but covered most of the stuff you will probably worry about.

Your hud could look a lot better. Using these "/" to seperate numbers on uneven cells makes it a bit noisy. Instead of using "/" seperator try using text cells cointaining "/" and even cell sizes. What tracker are you using?

I do like color coding personally and I don't mind letters. The more stats you have, the more important color coding becomes. Sometimes the letters act also as a white space making something easier to read. 12/21/30/48/25 vs. 12/21 CO 30/48 SB 25 (plo stats). The size of a hud is a less of a problem but the ease and speed you can use it and find things in it.

I'm totally discoballing it up. Use color to highlight what is important!

Also most of your stats for nitty gritty details should go into popups.

I would leave HUD with only those stats that give us basic information about the opponent and those that don't require a large sample.
For example, I would get rid of the division of CBet and FCbet into IP and OOP and leave only the general ones. Or I would have general betting and folding by street. These stats require fewer samples and will help with fish that often limp and rarely have CBet situations.

It's better to move the 5th and 6th lines to popup. These statistics require a large sample.
Leave only the general raise and check/raise only for the flop.

This way you can reduce your HUD significantly and get rid of unnecessary information.
If you have a postflop situation, you still need to go to the popup to see all the available information and make the best decision.

by andymc1 k

I think you have too many stats in general and a lot of them are not going to be useful because they take too long to converge. You want to be using stats just to give you a general idea of how someone is playing postflop but I don't think you can get too specific with it, that's what notes are for. WWSF and aggression % in conjunction with VPIP are enough to give you an idea whether someone is taking lots of stabs, betting a merged range, bluffing etc. You should have most of these stats in pop

As someone who owns a company that sells HUDs, I confirm this many times over.

Unless you're playing HU's (and I'm not talking about postflop), some of the stats people use are... well... useless, because they just take way too many hands to converge. I suspect a lot of people are making bad decisions, based on data that isn't really useful. It's best to keep the main HUD panel simple with stats that coverage quickly, and pop-ups w/ more expanded info.

by swerbs22 k

Hmmm. I do have Cold Call I guess. I think the stats are good but unorganized. Also I would check to make sure you know exactly what is being captured for some of those. I'm not sure if PT4 will segregate HU and MW pots and/or SRP/3b/4b for some stats, you might have to do do it yourself for example. IMO 3 color code is for sure overkill. You should have a general idea of a neutral value for probably any stat you are using. WTSD, W$SD, WWSF aren't bad stats, they are just generic. If you are goi

Great, thanks for the input. AFAIK Poker Tracker only tracks heads up pots and not multiway pots. So all of these stats are for when the pot is heads up to the flop.

Personally I like WTSD, WSD, WWSF as combined these give a good overall impression of a player, albeit on the shallow side compared to getting into the nitty gritty of the stats. But I agree that there is nothing that they show that is not shown through pooling together other stats in the HUD.

I have memorized my layout mostly I would say, but it's not always easy to remember exactly where everything is, and I don't want to make a mistake in play, which is why I have the letters there as a reminder.

I also like the color coding and I'm completely used to mine; it's not a problem and on the contrary I find it useful.

Padding and/or adding some stats to a popup is a good idea. Where can I find those online popups that you mentioned? There are certainly some stats that I find to be more useful than others, and some for which I almost never have a use.

Note that my HUD is usually invisible and only appears when I hover over it, so there are not 9 gigantic boxes on the screen when I'm playing.

by Imaginary F(r)iend k

Your hud could look a lot better. Using these "/" to seperate numbers on uneven cells makes it a bit noisy. Instead of using "/" seperator try using text cells cointaining "/" and even cell sizes. What tracker are you using?

I do like color coding personally and I don't mind letters. The more stats you have, the more important color coding becomes. Sometimes the letters act also as a white space making something easier to read. 12/21/30/48/25 vs. 12/21 CO 30/48 SB 25 (plo stats). The size of a h

Yes I agree about the use of "/" as a separator and that's something I'll take a look at when I get around to editing my HUD. I'm using Poker Tracker 4.

The more feedback I get the more I'm thinking I should switch things up so that preflop and flop stats go on the main HUD, with most river and some turn stats going into a popup. There are certain ones that I would want to keep in the main HUD though, such as probing the river OOP after the turn checks through. Another river stat that is useful is simply cbet river IP. I've found that many players will cbet the flop and specifically the turn too wide so that they can check back the river IP with a middling strength range. This effect is only illustrated when you have cbet flop-turn-river together in a line, so that's one I would need to keep too, as they are obviously barreling turn too wide and therefore I need to get sticky in response.

by slyless k

I would leave HUD with only those stats that give us basic information about the opponent and those that don't require a large sample.
For example, I would get rid of the division of CBet and FCbet into IP and OOP and leave only the general ones. Or I would have general betting and folding by street. These stats require fewer samples and will help with fish that often limp and rarely have CBet situations.

It's better to move the 5th and 6th lines to popup. These statistics require a large sample.

Thanks, these are good suggestions. I especially like the idea of switching the HUD into preflop and postflop. That way I can view everyone's preflop tendencies at all times, and once in a hand with them can click through to see their postflop tendencies. Sounds like a really efficient way to both design it and to save space!

by FreakDaddy k

As someone who owns a company that sells HUDs, I confirm this many times over.

Unless you're playing HU's (and I'm not talking about postflop), some of the stats people use are... well... useless, because they just take way too many hands to converge. I suspect a lot of people are making bad decisions, based on data that isn't really useful. It's best to keep the main HUD panel simple with stats that coverage quickly, and pop-ups w/ more expanded info.

Okay, thanks for the confirmation.

Yes some stats take many tens of thousands of hands to become meaningful and I've noticed that in my HUD. So I'm considering moving some of those stats to a popup in order to save space in the main HUD.

I'm pretty confident with how to use the data that the HUD shows me.

"It's best to keep the main HUD panel simple with stats that coverage quickly, and pop-ups w/ more expanded info"

Yes I like this approach a lot and I'm thinking I will switch to having preflop as the main HUD and postflop in a popup. Should save a lot of space.

The amount of stat variance on postflop HUD stats will make you deviate on noise.

Personally I'd focus on preflop datapoints in a HUD only and rely on notes for other things (similar to how Peleg approaches things).

You could actually have alot more preflop stats on your HUD - positonal ones can be handy.

by CrazyAndy27s k

The amount of stat variance on postflop HUD stats will make you deviate on noise.

Personally I'd focus on preflop datapoints in a HUD only and rely on notes for other things (similar to how Peleg approaches things).

You could actually have alot more preflop stats on your HUD - positonal ones can be handy.

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep this in mind when I'm editing my HUD.

No worries!

You should be able to find custom positional HUD stats for folds, calls and raises. Important that you have IP 3bet stats, OOP SB and OOP BB stats separated then you can basically roll close ev hands based on that.

by CrazyAndy27s k

No worries!

You should be able to find custom positional HUD stats for folds, calls and raises. Important that you have IP 3bet stats, OOP SB and OOP BB stats separated then you can basically roll close ev hands based on that.

Awesome, I will take a look when I can. Thanks for the help!

First of all you have way to many stats, i suppose you play microstakes. You are little toward tight side, but you can still make money at micros. Cbet seems on higher end. What is you actual Bb/100 woth these stats?

★ Recommended Post
by tuning88 k

First of all you have way to many stats, i suppose you play microstakes. You are little toward tight side, but you can still make money at micros. Cbet seems on higher end. What is you actual Bb/100 woth these stats?

Thanks for the input.

These are not my stats but the stats of some of my opponents. The stats come from playing thousands of full-ring MTTs in a private group on Stars.
