NL5 - AQ

NL5 - AQ

PokerStars - $0.05 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

CO: 94.8 BB
BTN: 109.2 BB
SB: 178.8 BB
Hero (BB): 100 BB
UTG: 122.6 BB
MP: 63.4 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has A Q

fold, MP calls 1 BB, fold, fold, SB raises to 5 BB, Hero raises to 15 BB, fold, SB calls 10 BB

Flop: (31 BB, 2 players) Q 4 Q
SB checks, Hero ???

What should I do here?

I can induce bluffs on later streets by checking back. It's hard to get paid on this hand he can't have much seeing as the board is covered. If he has KQ he will bet turn.

Can someone please but this into a solver?

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06 September 2024 at 05:01 AM

12 Replies

Just bet small (1/4 pot for example), they're not folding with a pocket pair, A high with a backdoor flush draw or whatever.

Hitting a big hand and checking with the hope your opponent will do the betting for you is usually a bad idea, unless you know for sure this opponent is very (too) aggro.

by Crich k

PokerStars - $0.05 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

CO: 94.8 BB
BTN: 109.2 BB
SB: 178.8 BB
Hero (BB): 100 BB
UTG: 122.6 BB
MP: 63.4 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has A Q

fold, MP calls 1 BB, fold, fold, SB raises to 5 BB, Hero raises to 15 BB, fold, SB calls 10 BB

Flop: (31 BB, 2 players) Q 4 Q
SB checks, Hero ???

What should I do here?

I can induce bluffs on later streets by checking back. It's hard to get paid on this hand he can't have much seeing as the board i

If he has KQ, we're getting it in here

by The Horror k

If he has KQ, we're getting it in here

That's why I checked the flop because he will bet the turn with a queen and I can raise him there while keeping his bluffs in.

I'm just wondering does someone have a solver to plug this hand into so I can see how this hand is to be played?

A solver needs an input: the ranges for "SB iso MP limp and call 3bet to 15BB" and "BB 3bets SB after SB iso MP limp". Provide the ranges and I will run the solver for you...

And anyway on the flop the solver will surely say "do whatever you want on the flop you can bet big, you can check or you can bet small" because solvers like to mix on the flop and solver play vs solvers, not vs random NL5 players who play very suboptimally.

I would bet the flop 1/3. Then if he called I could chkback turn or bet. And if turn went chkchk I could bet big on the river.

Even overbetshove on the river could look bluffy if turn goes chkchk.

One option is also to bet every street. Depends on the villain I guess

Can someone put this into a solver?

As per the advice to boost activity in this thread, I would advise you to check. Usually nutted hands tend to overrealise in the xb range IP for a multitude of reasons.

People tend to slightly overbluff the turn probe and often even the double barrel (unless for very big szies but that's the exception really). You block A highs that might xc the flop. People tend to overfold to the turn cbet so its a bit difficult to extract value here in B B B compared to theory.

The other thing as well which some people might call the x factor is that people give you less credit for a nutted hand. Say you x all the way to the river and jam over one bet, they might level themselves into thinking that you're just trying to buy the pot and hero call 77-99 etc. If you call turn probe and they hit a pair on the river, they might level into calling a jam because of 'blockers' with a hand that might have folded the flop to a cbet.

Broadly I don't encourage trapping but personally I think that this is a great place to be doing it.

by Crich k

Can someone put this into a solver?

No, not possible.
Logic > Solver

by Crich k

Can someone put this into a solver?

Not really the kind of hand where a solver will help you much. Anyway, I'd bet 25% pot or whatever, if villain has something good, otherwise GG, it's not like checking will guarantee a turn punt or change the dynamic too much.

People are tighter on Pokerstars so I'm not sure, but if this was GGPoker most people do call c-bets here even with AJ, AT...
If they have AK or Pocket Pair, they think they are winning and could even 3bet you.

At NL2/5/10 = Bet because villain wont do it for you.

★ Recommended Post

I would bet small B25. He can still continue with many holdings and even some floats which have basically 0 equity.

When we check our range looks more value/showdown driven and if we start raising turns after flop check that is a pretty nutted line which I would like to avoid when actually holding the nuts. With aggro postflop stats on villain checking becomes much better though, with a plan to call down/raise river
