AKo 150bbs vs Reg

AKo 150bbs vs Reg

24/19/11 - 500 hands ( Fold to 3bet 70% 4bet 11% )

SB fish

Winamax - €0.50 NL (5 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

UTG: 124.4 BB (VPIP: 33.33, PFR: 22.81, 3Bet Preflop: 14.81, Hands: 60)
CO: 103.26 BB (VPIP: 24.40, PFR: 20.65, 3Bet Preflop: 11.66, Hands: 1,577)
BTN: 200.94 BB (VPIP: 24.09, PFR: 19.23, 3Bet Preflop: 10.15, Hands: 507)
SB: 31.96 BB (VPIP: 50.00, PFR: 20.00, 3Bet Preflop: 3.85, Hands: 51)
Hero (BB): 152.66 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K A

fold, fold, BTN raises to 2.5 BB, SB calls 2 BB, Hero raises to 15 BB, BTN raises to 33.76 BB, fold, Hero

06 September 2024 at 07:37 PM

8 Replies

GTOw ranges NL50 150bb deep: pure all-in. But it supposes BTN 4bets AQo, AJo, K9s,... not sure your villain does that. And here they used a smaller 4bet size than the solver. Do you think they see you as aggro preflop? Mayyyybe I would just call here depending on history etc, but I really dislike it as more often than not we get screwed on the flop. So mostly sticking it in and hoping for the best I guess.

11% 4-bet range should include bluffs and could have worse for value (although not sure this deep in these positions), how are the stats for SB? Maybe V thinks you are trying to take advantage of fish who is flatting here?

Versus the right opponent I think we can fold even though we are getting a really good price to call.

by boulgakov k

GTOw ranges NL50 150bb deep: pure all-in. But it supposes BTN 4bets AQo, AJo, K9s,... not sure your villain does that. And here they used a smaller 4bet size than the solver. Do you think they see you as aggro preflop? Mayyyybe I would just call here depending on history etc, but I really dislike it as more often than not we get screwed on the flop. So mostly sticking it in and hoping for the best I guess.

I dont have history with villain and dont have any weird notes. Well SB is a semifish so I think that he can OR Wide and I will SQZ wider too, but dont know if he will 4bet super light, tbh I dont think so... But call with this hand OOP maybe is not the best plan, right? Maybe with AKs we can call, and fold with my hand seems a little weak so the best option here is push?

I would jam here if I suspect that villain can think that I am Squeezing light in this spot.

As the 4bet gets smaller, I would lean more towards calling. We get better odds on the call, and worse odds when we jam.

We also have great implied odds when we hit a pair. Opponent might not expect us to flat often with AK, and might valuebet thinner/bluff more on A/K high boards. All of which increases the EV of flatting pre.

Whether or not jamming is good mostly depends on fold equity. If villain is 4betting lots of hands that can't call vs a jam, then jamming could be fine too.

Hard to see villain 4betting super light with the 30BB in the pot, even though SB range most definitely has a lot of garbage.
Folding looks so weak, calling and jamming are probably both fine, tending towards the first if we believe we have the mad postflop skillz, otherwise shove.

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Shrug jam I guess- you can just flat the 4b but at that SPR you’re more prone to making errors post.
