PokerStars - $0.05 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

UTG: 107.8 BB
Hero (MP): 104.6 BB
CO: 65 BB
BTN: 94.8 BB
SB: 98.6 BB
BB: 114.2 BB

SB posts SB 0.4 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.4 BB) Hero has A K

fold, Hero raises to 3 BB, CO calls 3 BB, BTN calls 3 BB, fold, BB calls 2 BB

Flop: (12.4 BB, 4 players) T K T
BB checks, Hero bets 6 BB, CO calls 6 BB, BTN calls 6 BB, fold

Turn: (30.4 BB, 3 players) T
Hero checks, CO bets 14.4 BB, BTN raises to 85.8 BB and is all-in,

What do I do here?

) 2 Views 2
08 September 2024 at 05:15 AM

8 Replies

Start by checking the flop; you aren't getting 3 streets and your hand does not need much protection.

Folding ott, at best you are chopping.

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See merit in XR flop this one. At least we can target worse hands and charge draws on a tricky texture to print on

Stuggling to fold the boat vs shorties. Almost certaintly a low EV chop but there's probably at least some dead money to fight for that we don't want to only call our Tx

good name for a film that, 'dead money '

by Ceres k

See merit in XR flop this one.

This seems really bad here imho.

Villain calls and now what? We just assume they only have draws and worse Kx?

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by Franchise804 k

This seems really bad here imho.

Villain calls and now what? We just assume they only have draws and worse Kx?

Then we just have to play turns innit. Trickier but we probably shouldn't shy away from finding out.

Tbh I was commenting directly after another post about a flop XR, ( I misread the board texture slighly as two-tone as well). But i do still expect the EV to be too close that we could consider it, particularly if we're checking range. And even more particularly if we think fish will both overstab and overcall XR-B-B with all their worse pairs or do something even more ridiculous.

Running a test solve as HJ v 14% fish calling range for curiosity you can start mixing in pretty much your whole range in this line at some frequency if we always X flop, which effectively means we have a magic EV range that can play quite polarised and still print with lower value hands vs a very likely station.

The difficulty of turns runs both ways: we aren't getting three streets here comfortably on many a runout. I imagine there's a degree of protection in the gto outputs

As per the advice to boost activity in this thread, I would advise you to fold.

You're basically hoping for a chop here and with you holding a K in this instance it weights them more towards Tx. As this is a MW scenario it makes it even more likely that you are dead.

by Ceres k

Then we just have to play turns innit. Trickier but we probably shouldn't shy away from finding out.

Tbh I was commenting directly after another post about a flop XR, ( I misread the board texture slighly as two-tone as well). But i do still expect the EV to be too close that we could consider it, particularly if we're checking range. And even more particularly if we think fish will both overstab and overcall XR-B-B with all their worse pairs or do something even more ridiculous.

Running a test

Making assumptions beyond what is standard/GTO helps justify different lines, which yea maybe I should take into account that this is NL5 and assume they are stationy/bad, but then we might just bet bigger in the first place and keep barreling. I guess my point is that I always try to give the theory answer but x/r seems super exploitative, all good cuz that's the better way anyways.

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OOP MW you always want to check unless there's a pretty big reason not to, which clearly doesn't apply here.

You're facing three calling ranges, the chances of someone having Tx is reasonable to say the least.

As a rule of thumb MW you want to pot control as much as possible and build a pot with the nuts or hands that can draw to the nuts, the vulnerable portion of your range will suffer a lot from the fact that equities will naturally tend to be closer and a lot of run-outs will kill you.

XR looks like a punt unless we know for a fact we're facing whales who'll stack off with Kx or a random PP.

AP I'd fold turn, we lose 9BB, not committed enough to cry for missing an eventual chop that will be raked hard anyway.
